Do SonarQube and SonarLint deliver the same analysis results for TS?

I would like to know if SonarQube and SonarLint deliver the same analysis results for CSS, HTML and TypeScript code? I read the other day that in Java the results may vary as SonarQube integrates 3rd party analyzer such as PMD, FindBugs and CheckStyle by default while SonarLint does not. Does this also apply for TypeScript, CSS and HTML projects?

I have never used Sonar products before but I would like to use it, that’s why I am asking.

Hey there.

This doesn’t happen by default – it requires a community-supported plugin or manual configuration of exporting internal issues.

I would suggest taking a look at the “Why are some issues reported by SonarQube/SonarCloud, but not in SonarLint (even with connected mode)?” section of our SonarLint FAQ: