Customizing language for SonarQube Enterprise PDF report

I’m using SonarQube Enterprise at my organization and we generate PDF reports from the SonarQube Portfolio dashboard. However, the reports are currently in English, which is not the preferred language for our team.

Is there any way to customize the language of the PDF reports generated by SonarQube Enterprise? We would like to have the reports in Italian instead of English.

If this is possible, could you please provide the steps or documentation on how to achieve this? It would be very helpful for our team to have the reports in our native language.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from the community on this request.

Best regards,

Hi Manuel,

Welcome to the community!

I don’t have good news for you.

There is an Italian localization plugin. But it hasn’t been maintained since 2014, and isn’t compatible with the latest version. The 9.9 server will start up with it, but of course, the plugin is missing much of the verbiage for 9.9.

Nonetheless, I tried generating a PDF in 9.9 with l10nit loaded, and I don’t think any of it was applied (because of course, localization is applied at the browser, and PDFs are generated at the server).

So, unfortunately, I can’t help you. But I will raise this internally.


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Hi Ann,

Thanks for the feedback.