Create rule tracking usage of NOSONAR for languages other than java and php

we are using SonarQube 8.6 and the plugins checkstyle, findbugs and pmd.
The rule java:NoSonar allows to track the usage of the NoSonar comment.
I am wondering what would be the best way to achieve the same for other languages like python or javascript.
I could not find such rules for other languages or plugins that would provide such rules.
I think using a rule template to attempt building such a rule myself would fail because the NOSONAR-comment would also ignore that custom made rule.

Thx in advance

Hello @Sammy
thanks for joining the SonarSource community, welcome!
Your SonarQube instance includes a rules search engine, where you have your answer about languages covered for such rule:

And indeed the rule is not available for Python and Javascript.
Your interest in them is duly noted.
As for the simplest way to achieve the same (or almost the same), in your projects you may use javascript:S124 and python:CommentRegularExpression.

Let me know if this works for you.
Best regards


there is also no such rule for C#. I wrote a Roslyn custom analyzer for this myself and it’s quite trivial. But I would prefer not to add a custom rule addon to our SonarQube server only for this.