Code coverage is not showing up on sonarqube

Hi All,

We are using sonarqube 9.9 LTS version on RHEL-8 server

We have following plugin:
sonar scanner plugin 4.x
Jacoco plugin 0.8.7
Surefire plugin 3.5.0
Junit plugin 4.13.x

Java version on sonarqube server is jdk 17
Java version for sonar scanner is jdk 17

Microservices are using either of
Jdk 1.8
Jdk 11
Jdk 17

JDK 1.8 based services are missing code coverage feature on sonarqube where as for other 2 jdk version is working fine.

Please advise if it is supposed to be like this or we need to put any specific configuration for Jdk1.8

Thank you


How are you collecting / reporting / passing that coverage data into analysis?


Thanks Ann for acknowledging the topic.

We are using junit plugin to execute unit test cases.
Generating test report using surefire plugin followed by jacoco plugin for coverage report

Sonar scanner plugin scanning report file and pushing to Sonarqube.

All is happening via single Jenkins pipeline job.

Please let me know if this information helps.


Can you share your analysis configuration and analysis logs?

The analysis / scanner log is what’s output from the analysis command. Hopefully, the log you provide - redacted as necessary - will include that command as well.

This guide will help you find them.
