Can I enable Github Group sync in SonarCloud?

Hey, we are about to migrate our on prem sonarqube instance to sonarcloud.

In our old sonarqube instance we used the Team Sync option for some permission settings:


In SonarCloud I cannot enable it since it seems I cannot access the ALM settings. Also, the feature seems to be not enable OOTB. Is there a way to get it enabled in SonarCloud?

Hey there.

This feature is not available on SonarCloud.

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this is quite a bummer. Do you plan on enabling this feature for sonarCloud users at some point?

Hello @Michael_Stummvoll ,

As of today, we are planning to work on onboarding of larger teams at the end of this year / beginning of next year. I can’t say for sure yet that group / team synchronization will be part of it. You can provide feedback on the following portal card so that we can better understand your use-case around this: Onboarding of larger teams - SonarCloud | Product Roadmap