C++ code coverage report not loading

Hoping I could get some help with finding out why my c++ coverage report information is not loading.

I am using a unit testing framework called Catch2. The Catch2 documentation tells me the following:

SonarQube Reporter

-r sonarqube SonarQube Generic Test Data XML format for tests metrics.

link to the documentation:

It would appear the coverage report is getting generated.

The following is my sonar-project.properties file:

sonar.projectName=Work Server Core

#combine python and c++ analysis


My python coverage is being reported correctly. I have debug information turned on for the sonar processing. I do not see anything (including errors) regarding loading the coverage files for either python or cxx. But my python coverage is showing correctly on sonarcloud.

Not sure if I am just missing something simple or what I am trying to do simply is not supported for c++. I find some conflicting documentation. The sonar documentation seems to be very specific about what tools can be used to generate the c++ coverage files. Other documentation, like the catch2 documentation, indicates that sonar will support their coverage file.

Can someone help point me in the correct direction?


I think you can only use the coverage report formats mentioned in our docs. I don’t see sonar.cxx.coverage.reportPath there, so I think it’s simply ignored. Indeed you won’t see any logs about it, as you wouldn’t see about any unused sonar.foo.bar.baz properties.

The Catch2 tool you mention seems to use the generic test data format. As documented here, the name of the properties to find these reports are:

  • sonar.coverageReportPaths
  • sonar.testExecutionReportPaths