Environment description: Windows, SonarQube server 9.9, sonar-scanner- (under a docker image), Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise with CodeCoverage tool integrated, reportgenerator, GitLab
I am currently working on the projects c/c++ code coverage integration on which I faced with some issues.
For c/c++ I managed to set up the PC_Lint report and I also managed to set up the code coverage for c# projects, but code coverage for c/c++ I cannot.
I managed to create the “.coveragexml” under the Windows with the VS2019 Enterprise edition using the “CodeCoverage.exe” integrated tool.
Commands used:
- generate VS2019 coverage xml report (coverage.coveragexml):
CodeCoverage.exe collect /output:coverage.coverage UnitTests.exe
CodeCoverage.exe analyze /output:“.\coverage.coveragexml” “.\coverage.coverage”
- to upload the report to the SonarQube server:
/Tools/sonar-scanner-" -X -D sonar.host.url=$SONAR_QUBE_HOST_URL -D sonar.login=$SONAR_QUBE_TOKEN
- the sonar-project.properties contains:
sonar.projectName= “<doesn’t matter>”
sonar.projectVersion= 1.0
sonar.sources= .
sonar.cfamily.vscoveragexml.reportsPath = coverage.coveragexml
I also analyzed the coverage.coveragexml and the conntent of the report looks ok.
My issue is when I try to upload to SonarQube with sonar-scanner then the file is not parsed.
I also tried to convert the “.coveragexml” into a general “.xml” format using command ‘reportgenerator “-reports:coverage.coveragexml” “-targetdir:CoverageReport” “-reporttypes:SonarQube”’ and settings “sonar.coverageReportPaths= Summary.xml” which is parsed but also show nothing.
I would prefer to use only the “.coveragexml” generated and to be uploaded/parsed when runs the sensors.
What I do wrong, what I missed?
Thank you in advance any answares/observations.