C++20 modules support with AutoConfig, incremental bug detection and more

Hello dear C and C++ users.

Here is our last batch of great features for C and C++ before the upcoming SonarQube Server LTA version.

You are now able to use C++20 modules with C and C++ AutoConfig on SonarQube Server.

Small changes on the code will now cause significantly shorter analysis time. It can also benefit to larger changes at times. It is achieved through the so called sonar.cfamily.experimental.symbolicExecution.useIncrementalMode. It is an experimental opt-in feature that is documented. This is coming up for both SonarQube Server and Cloud.

You can also now detect calls to functions you want to forbid thanks to the rule S2253. This will be available on the next SonarQube Server version.

As always, you can see what’s coming next and vote for C and C++ features you would like to see in SonarQube Server , SonarQube Cloud , and SonarQube for IDE .

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