Break build step is unable to locate report-task.txt in azure devops

(SonarQube server version : )

Hi @community , from last 1-2 months our sonarqube build breaker task was not working as expected , as a result :
This output was visible , further debugging this issue suggested that report-task.txt file path has been changed from default . For microsoft hosted agents i used this property : sonar.scanner.metadataFilePath=$(Agent.TempDirectory)/sonar/$(Build.BuildNumber)/test/report-task.txt
This seemed to work fine but for self hosted agent in publish quality gate result step this is the output :

which shows it has found that file but for some reason in break build step :

The pattern i specified is not getting picked up and it’s unable to locate can someone help me with this .


What is your CI, and is your ‘build breaker task’ home-grown, or something we provide?


Hi @ganncamp , CI platform is Azure DevOps as i’ve mentioned . build breaker task is not home-grown, we’re using this :


We don’t provide that build-breaker. You’ll need to take this up with SimondeLang.
