Azure DevOps extention installation issue

Hi all,

I’m trying to install a SonarQube extension to my Azure DevOps 2020 server, but no luck.

Dev ops version is following: 18.181.31230.2 (Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1)

If I try to install it through the web interface, the issue that throws is:

If I’m trying to install it on the server


here is information from logs

07.02.2022 10:00:09 - Searching for applicable products...
07.02.2022 10:00:09 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2015
07.02.2022 10:00:09 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015
07.02.2022 10:00:09 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015
07.02.2022 10:00:09 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Shell (Integrated)
07.02.2022 10:00:09 - Found installed product - Global Location
07.02.2022 10:00:09 - Found installed product - ssms
07.02.2022 10:00:10 - Found installed product - Visual Studio Enterprise 2019
07.02.2022 10:00:10 - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.

On the vsixmanifest I’ve found that target is
<InstallationTarget Id="Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server" Version="[15.2,)" />, but it doesn’t even search for it.

Does anyone know how it can be resolved?

Hi @Mikhail - welcome to the community.

Rather unhelpfully, Microsoft uses the .vsix extensions for both Visual Studio IDE extensions and Azure DevOps extensions.

The dialogue you are seeing is from vsixinstaller.exe, which installs Visual Studio IDE extensions i.e. the installer is trying to treat the vsix as a Visual Studio extension, which it isn’t.

From memory, you can’t install an Azure DevOps extension by downloading it the double-clicking. Instead, you’d install it through your Azure DevOps website: somewhere in the site there is an option to install extensions, and you can choose to browse for the downloaded vsix file. The file is then uploaded and installed.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a local Azure DevOps instance to test on, and I can’t find this method described in the MS docs :-(.

EDIT: the docs don’t explicitly mention the download-then-upload option, but I think you might need to click the “Browse local extensions” button show in step (2) of the “Manage Azure DevOps Server Extensions” sub-section:

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Here’s the procedure to install extensions in an on-prem Azure DevOps Server 2020:

thanks a lot, but I know how to install extensions to azure dev ops. It is not the first one that I’m installing, but the first one with a such problems

Looks like the problem was in the some limitations of the size of packages that could be uploaded to the Azure Dev Ops.

Solution is to extend the size with the SQL script
DECLARE @keyvalues dbo.typ_keyvaluepairstringtablenullable;

INSERT @keyvalues

VALUES (’#\Configuration\Service\Gallery\LargeExtensionUpload\MaxPackageSizeMB’, ‘30’)

exec prc_UpdateRegistry 1, @keyvalues

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Thanks for posting the solution back in this thread!

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