Anyone tried H2 Database migration with 3rd party tool?

I’m running SonarQube version 7.3 and because of oblivion all our data is in H2 Embedded database and not in Postgresql database. I’ve been reading quite a lot of different kind of discussions about H2 database migration and based on them I would say it’s not doable migrate H2 to Postgresql. But I have not found information would it be doable with third party tools like Full Convert. It will support H2 database migration to Postgresql but is there some other reasons what i should be aware of.

Thanks in advance,
Tommi Sohlberg

You are correct in that it is not doable nor suggested to migrate H2 to PostgreSQL. I suggest just pointing to your new database by simply editing $SONARQUBE_HOME/conf/ to point to the new DB. SonarSource only offers a DB copy tool for customers with Support, see here.

There are possible data integrity issues that you will have to verify yourself but there is nothing stopping you from attempting it with 3rd party tools like Full Convert. I found Metabase, which also gives instructions for your conversion (this is only a suggestion and not a recommendation):

In fact, with SonarQube v8.4 (latest as of this posting), this is the warning that is shown at the bottom of page when you navigate through SonarQube:

By the way, SonarQube v7.3 is old and no longer supported, so I would at least upgrade to the v7.9 LTS version first, then upgrade again, if you so wish, to the latest v8.4 version. Follow the upgrade guide if you’re interested. This could also simplify your backup/restore process.

I have managed to migrate from H2 to PosgreSQL with version 8.9.10 LTS: