And along with logical not(&&) operature not working properly over plsql xpath rule

hello Team,

While writing PLSQL rule using xpath . &/and operator not working properly . Can you please help with us resolution.

Example: here we want index with

//*[@tokenValue = ‘INDEX’ and @tokenValue = ‘IDX_LASTNAM’]

CREATE INDEX idx_lastname
ON Persons (LastName);

Please suggest with feedback


Try something like:

//*[@tokenValue = 'INDEX']/following-sibling::*[@tokenValue = 'IDX_LASTNAME']

Thanks for valuable suggestion and how we can use same for logical not.


What are you trying to achieve?
What did you try?
Did you find some documentation about XPath?

Thanks //[@tokenValue = ‘INDEX’]/following-sibling::[@tokenValue = ‘IDX_LASTNAME’]…did working .

yes,we are following Xpath 1.0 version. Please share us specific Xpath documentation so that we will follow that for Sonarqube

You already know about @tokenValue and the rest is pure standard XPath 1.0.
The only documentation page about XPath-based custom rules can help to understand to overall approach and the way to set up a custom rule.
However, you have to learn at least the basics of XPath to understand the expressions which you can test using SSLR toolkit: any XPath tutorial you can find will be a good start.


Hello Team,

WE tried but not able to identify .
We need this Xpath rule for PLSQL plugin.

We need Xpath query to identify Capital and small letters . This will help me in more rule creation.

Example :Between SELECT and select
