Analysis from Azure Pipeline are failing after having migrated from 7.9.3 to 7.9.6 (To use the property "sonar.pullrequest.XXX" and analyze pull requests, Developer Edition or above is required)


Here is my configuration

  • Sonarqube version: 7.9.6
  • Azure DevOps (SonarQubePrepare@4 & SonarQubeAnalyze@4 tasks used in Azure Pipeline)
  • Projects C# & Typescript

I updated yesterday my Sonarqube Developer Edition from 7.9.3 to 7.9.6. Now I have all my builds are failing with the following error

ERROR: Validation of project reactor failed:
  o To use the property "sonar.pullrequest.key" and analyze pull requests, Developer Edition or above is required. See for more information.
  o To use the property "sonar.pullrequest.branch" and analyze pull requests, Developer Edition or above is required. See for more information.
  o To use the property "sonar.pullrequest.base" and analyze pull requests, Developer Edition or above is required. See for more information.

Here is how my SonarQubePrepare@4 task (which was perfectly working with Sonarqube 7.9.3) is configured in Azure Pipelines

    - task: SonarQubePrepare@4
      displayName: Prepare Sonarqube
        SonarQube: 'Sonarqube'
        scannerMode: 'MSBuild'
        projectKey: 'MyApplication'
        projectName: 'MyApplication'
        extraProperties: |

Also, I notice that some features are missing now (Pull Requests, Azure DevOps configuration for example) in Administration > Configuration > General Settings

Seems like my Licence was downgraded…

Any help will be appreciated …

Ok I figured it out. I don’t know how this is possible but the version I downloaded (directly from the “New version” pop-up in my Sonarqube) was a Community Edition…

Hey there. Thanks for the followup. Indeed, we fixed this in the v8.x series (SONAR-12395)

The upgrade info box contains a button to download the latest version of SonarQube. However, this always downloads the CE, regardless of which edition you’re currently on. It should adapt to the correct edition, or point to a download page where the user can pick the correct edition.

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