Add custom rules for csharp

We want to update from version 8.4.2 to 8.9.2 (Developer Edition). We have built a test system and found the following problem:
In version 8.4.2 we were able to add our own rules to the rules through the C# Code Quality and Security plugin (extensions\plugins\sonar-csharp-plugin). Due to the structural change apparently introduced in 8.5, this plugin can no longer be added (“found a plugin ‘C# Code Quality and Security’ in the directory ‘extensions\plugins’ with the same key [csharp] as a built-in feature ‘C# Code Quality and Security’.”).
How can we import our custom csharp rules?


I don’t understand how you were doing this. Could you please clarify?

If you implement them as a Roslyn analyzer and run the analyzer during your MSBuild compilation, the results of the Roslyn analysis will get automatically picked up the Scanner for .NET and pushed to SonarQube as external issues.