
Template for a good new topic, formatted with Markdown:

  • ALM used (GitHub, Bitbucket Cloud, Azure DevOps)
  • CI system used (Bitbucket Cloud, Azure DevOps, Travis CI, Circle CI
  • Scanner command used when applicable (private details masked)
  • Languages of the repository
  • Only if the SonarCloud project is public, the URL
    • And if you need help with pull request decoration, then the URL to the PR too
  • Error observed (wrap logs/code around with triple quotes ``` for proper formatting)
  • Steps to reproduce
  • Potential workaround

Do not share screenshots of logs – share the text itself (bonus points for being well-formatted)!

Hello @sangshanrupesh,

our analyzer fails when parsing Swift files in your project. I will investigate the error. Meanwhile you might want to exclude files in Reference/upstream, which look like 3rd party or generated code, from the analysis - we recommend not to analyze 3rd party code. This will speed up the analysis and might also resolve the issue.