10.2.1 UI check

Sonarqube version 10.2.1
deployed through helm charts
upgraded from 9.7 to 9.9.4 and ultimately now to 10.2.1

Could u please clraify with the UI of 10.2.1 in issues page
there are a lot of unresolved labels in the interface

shouldn’t it be like this

instead of issue.clean_code_attribute_category.CONSISTENT.title_short
it should be only “Consistency”?


two things.

  • you’ll get support for LTS version = Sonarqube 9.9.5 right now, or latest = Sonarqube 10.5.1
  • those ui glitches are known to be caused by third party plugins, i.e

Note that sonar-cnes-report officially supports only the Sonarqube LTS version, but not latest.
That said it works, but you’ll get those ui glitches.


Thanks for your info. I have just read that and decide to uninstall plugin for now. Just uninstalling from UI should be enough?
and more over uninstalling and upgrading another plugin at same time happens?

Uninstalling sonar-cnes-report should fix those ui glitches.
Uninstalling means = delete the plugin jar from $SONARQUBE_HOME/extensions/plugins,
then restart.

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