Zero coverage on coverage analysis, no obvious problems in log file

I am trying to configure code coverage analysis for our Python project. I’m using Docker image sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli:5.0.1 in GitLab CI/CD.

The coverage file seems to be parsed correctly, however, I get 0 New Lines on the pull request and 0 New Lines to cover.

Here is the content:


Here is the log for the GitLab job that collects coverage data:

$ pytest --cov-report xml --cov=src tests/
============================= test session starts =============================
platform win32 -- Python 3.10.11, pytest-8.3.3, pluggy-1.5.0
rootdir: C:\gitlab-runner\loaders-factory\project_100_libs
configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: cov-5.0.0
collected 115 items
... shortened ...
---------- coverage: platform win32, python 3.10.11-final-0 ----------
Coverage XML written to file coverage-reports/coverage.xml
============================= 115 passed in 7.33s =============================

Here is the log for the job that runs Sonar Scanner:

$ sonar-scanner -X
17:44:39.892 INFO: Scanner configuration file: /opt/sonar-scanner/conf/
17:44:39.906 INFO: Project root configuration file: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/
17:44:39.932 INFO: SonarScanner
17:44:39.932 INFO: Java 17.0.10 Alpine (64-bit)
17:44:39.932 INFO: Linux 5.15.0-1065-aws amd64
17:44:40.066 DEBUG: keyStore is : 
17:44:40.067 DEBUG: keyStore type is : pkcs12
17:44:40.067 DEBUG: keyStore provider is : 
17:44:40.067 DEBUG: init keystore
17:44:40.067 DEBUG: init keymanager of type SunX509
17:44:40.152 DEBUG: Create: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.sonar/cache
17:44:40.152 INFO: User cache: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.sonar/cache
17:44:40.152 DEBUG: Create: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.sonar/cache/_tmp
17:44:40.155 DEBUG: Extract sonar-scanner-api-batch in temp...
17:44:40.157 DEBUG: Get bootstrap index...
17:44:40.157 DEBUG: Download:
17:44:40.359 DEBUG: Get bootstrap completed
17:44:40.361 DEBUG: Create isolated classloader...
17:44:40.368 DEBUG: Start temp cleaning...
17:44:40.370 DEBUG: Temp cleaning done
17:44:40.370 DEBUG: Execution getVersion
17:44:40.383 INFO: Analyzing on SonarQube server
17:44:40.383 INFO: Default locale: "en_US", source code encoding: "UTF-8" (analysis is platform dependent)
17:44:40.384 DEBUG: Work directory: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.scannerwork
17:44:40.385 DEBUG: Execution execute
17:44:40.636 DEBUG: Enterprise
17:44:40.831 INFO: Load global settings
17:44:40.948 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=116ms
17:44:40.975 INFO: Load global settings (done) | time=144ms
17:44:41.000 INFO: Server id: E6CED502-AXGtehTq6qo1I7wwtywf
17:44:41.006 DEBUG: Create : /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.sonar/_tmp
17:44:41.007 INFO: User cache: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.sonar/cache
17:44:41.014 INFO: Loading required plugins
17:44:41.014 INFO: Load plugins index
17:44:41.023 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=9ms
17:44:41.054 INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=40ms
17:44:41.054 INFO: Load/download plugins
17:44:41.150 INFO: Load/download plugins (done) | time=96ms
17:44:41.150 DEBUG: Plugins not loaded because they are optional: [abap, sonarapex, csharp, cpp, cobol, dbd, dbdjavafrontend, dbdpythonfrontend, flex, go, web, jcl, java, javascript, kotlin, php, pli, plsql, rpg, ruby, sonarscala, swift, tsql, vbnet, vb, security, securitycsharpfrontend, securityjsfrontend, securityjavafrontend, securityphpfrontend, securitypythonfrontend]
17:44:41.220 DEBUG: Plugins loaded:
17:44:41.221 DEBUG:   * Text Code Quality and Security (textenterprise)
17:44:41.221 DEBUG:   * Python Code Quality and Security (python)
17:44:41.221 DEBUG:   * Rust language analyzer 0.2.3 (communityrust)
17:44:41.221 DEBUG:   * Clean as You Code (cayc)
17:44:41.221 DEBUG:   * XML Code Quality and Security (xml)
17:44:41.221 DEBUG:   * JaCoCo (jacoco)
17:44:41.222 DEBUG:   * IaC Code Quality and Security (iac)
17:44:41.222 DEBUG:   * Text Code Quality and Security (text)
17:44:41.263 INFO: Loaded core extensions: developer-scanner
17:44:41.281 DEBUG: Installed core extension: developer-scanner
17:44:41.401 DEBUG: register org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS$FileStoreAttributes$$Lambda$316/0x00007f269c30ce48@1a28aef1 with shutdown hook
17:44:41.506 INFO: Process project properties
17:44:41.516 INFO: Process project properties (done) | time=10ms
17:44:41.524 INFO: Project key: loaders-factory_project_100_libs_dcc56297-5239-4e4b-ae29-57f2ebbb37a9
17:44:41.524 INFO: Base dir: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs
17:44:41.524 INFO: Working dir: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.scannerwork
17:44:41.524 DEBUG: Project global encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US
17:44:41.533 INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'loaders-factory_project_100_libs_dcc56297-5239-4e4b-ae29-57f2ebbb37a9'
17:44:41.555 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=22ms
17:44:41.557 INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'loaders-factory_project_100_libs_dcc56297-5239-4e4b-ae29-57f2ebbb37a9' (done) | time=24ms
17:44:41.583 INFO: Load project branches
17:44:41.594 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=10ms
17:44:41.598 INFO: Load project branches (done) | time=15ms
17:44:41.598 INFO: Load branch configuration
17:44:41.600 INFO: Detected branch/PR in 'GitLab'
17:44:41.601 INFO: Auto-configuring pull request '20'
17:44:41.607 INFO: Load branch configuration (done) | time=9ms
17:44:41.616 DEBUG: Creating module hierarchy
17:44:41.616 DEBUG:   Init module 'loaders-factory_project_100_libs_dcc56297-5239-4e4b-ae29-57f2ebbb37a9'
17:44:41.617 DEBUG:     Base dir: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs
17:44:41.617 DEBUG:     Working dir: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.scannerwork
17:44:41.617 DEBUG:     Module global encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US
17:44:41.626 INFO: Load quality profiles
17:44:41.658 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=31ms
17:44:41.681 INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=55ms
17:44:41.691 INFO: Auto-configuring with CI 'Gitlab CI'
17:44:41.720 INFO: Load active rules
17:44:41.742 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=21ms
... shortened ...
17:44:44.298 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=45ms
17:44:44.310 INFO: Load active rules (done) | time=2590ms
17:44:44.314 INFO: Load analysis cache
17:44:44.325 DEBUG: GET 404 | time=11ms
17:44:44.325 INFO: Load analysis cache (404) | time=11ms
17:44:44.338 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=4ms
17:44:44.355 INFO: Pull request 20 for merge into main from tco-624
17:44:44.363 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Kubernetes were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.kubernetes : 
17:44:44.364 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language CSS were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.css : **/*.css,**/*.less,**/*.scss,**/*.sass
17:44:44.365 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Scala were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.scala : **/*.scala
17:44:44.365 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language JSP were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.jsp : **/*.jsp,**/*.jspf,**/*.jspx
17:44:44.365 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language JavaScript were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.js : **/*.js,**/*.jsx,**/*.cjs,**/*.mjs,**/*.vue
17:44:44.365 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Python were converted to : **/*.py
17:44:44.366 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Apex were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.apex : **/*.cls,**/*.trigger
17:44:44.366 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Docker were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.docker : **/Dockerfile,**/*.dockerfile
17:44:44.367 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language PL/SQL were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.plsql : **/*.sql,**/*.pks,**/*.pkb
17:44:44.367 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Rust were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.rust : **/*.rs
17:44:44.367 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language JCL were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.jcl : **/*.jcl
17:44:44.367 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Java were converted to : **/*.java,**/*.jav
17:44:44.368 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language HTML were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.web : **/*.html,**/*.xhtml,**/*.cshtml,**/*.vbhtml,**/*.aspx,**/*.ascx,**/*.rhtml,**/*.erb,**/*.shtm,**/*.shtml,**/*.cmp,**/*.twig
17:44:44.368 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Flex were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.flex : **/*.as
17:44:44.369 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language XML were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.xml : **/*.xml,**/*.xsd,**/*.xsl,**/*.config
17:44:44.369 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language JSON were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.json : **/*.json
17:44:44.369 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Text were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.text : 
17:44:44.370 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language VB.NET were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.vbnet : **/*.vb
17:44:44.370 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language CloudFormation were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cloudformation : 
17:44:44.370 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Swift were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.swift : **/*.swift
17:44:44.370 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language YAML were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.yaml : **/*.yaml,**/*.yml
17:44:44.371 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language C++ were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cpp : **/*.cc,**/*.cpp,**/*.cxx,**/*.c++,**/*.hh,**/*.hpp,**/*.hxx,**/*.h++,**/*.ipp,**/*.h
17:44:44.371 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language C were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.c : **/*.c
17:44:44.371 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Go were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.go : **/*.go
17:44:44.372 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Kotlin were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.kotlin : **/*.kt,**/*.kts
17:44:44.372 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language RPG were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.rpg : **/*.rpg,**/*.rpgle,**/*.sqlrpgle,**/*.rpg,**/*.rpgle,**/*.sqlrpgle
17:44:44.372 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language PL/I were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.pli : **/*.pli
17:44:44.373 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language T-SQL were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.tsql : **/*.tsql
17:44:44.373 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Vb were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.vb : **/*.bas,**/*.frm,**/*.ctl
17:44:44.373 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Secrets were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.secrets : 
17:44:44.374 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Ruby were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.ruby : **/*.rb
17:44:44.374 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language C# were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cs : **/*.cs,**/*.razor
17:44:44.374 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language COBOL were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cobol : 
17:44:44.375 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language PHP were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.php : **/*.php,**/*.php3,**/*.php4,**/*.php5,**/*.phtml,**/*.inc
17:44:44.375 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Terraform were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.terraform : **/*.tf
17:44:44.376 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language AzureResourceManager were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.azureresourcemanager : **/*.bicep
17:44:44.376 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language ABAP were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.abap : **/*.abap,**/*.ab4,**/*.flow,**/*.asprog
17:44:44.376 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language Objective-C were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.objc : **/*.m
17:44:44.377 DEBUG: Declared patterns of language TypeScript were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.ts : **/*.ts,**/*.tsx,**/*.cts,**/*.mts
17:44:44.384 INFO: Preprocessing files...
17:44:44.397 DEBUG: loading config FileBasedConfig[/tmp/jgit/config]
17:44:44.398 DEBUG: readpipe [/usr/bin/git, --version],/usr/bin
17:44:44.407 DEBUG: readpipe may return 'git version 2.38.5'
17:44:44.407 DEBUG: remaining output:
17:44:44.408 DEBUG: readpipe [/usr/bin/git, config, --system, --show-origin, --list, -z],/usr/bin
17:44:44.417 DEBUG: readpipe may return 'null'
17:44:44.418 DEBUG: remaining output:
17:44:44.436 DEBUG: readpipe rc=128
17:44:44.436 DEBUG: Exception caught during execution of command '[/usr/bin/git, config, --system, --show-origin, --list, -z]' in '/usr/bin', return code '128', error message 'fatal: unable to read config file '/etc/gitconfig': No such file or directory
17:44:44.437 DEBUG: loading config FileBasedConfig[/tmp/git/config]
17:44:44.437 DEBUG: loading config UserConfigFile[/root/.gitconfig]
17:44:44.520 DEBUG: 176 non excluded files in this Git repository
17:44:44.587 INFO: 2 languages detected in 46 preprocessed files
17:44:44.587 INFO: 0 files ignored because of scm ignore settings
17:44:44.590 INFO: Loading plugins for detected languages
17:44:44.590 DEBUG: Detected languages: [py, json]
17:44:44.590 INFO: Load/download plugins
17:44:44.645 INFO: Load/download plugins (done) | time=55ms
17:44:44.646 DEBUG: Optional language-specific plugins not loaded: [abap, sonarapex, csharp, cpp, cobol, dbdjavafrontend, flex, go, web, jcl, java, javascript, kotlin, php, pli, plsql, rpg, ruby, sonarscala, swift, tsql, vbnet, vb, securitycsharpfrontend, securityjsfrontend, securityjavafrontend, securityphpfrontend]
17:44:44.687 DEBUG: Plugins loaded:
17:44:44.687 DEBUG:   * Vulnerability Analysis (security)
17:44:44.687 DEBUG:   * Vulnerability Rules for Python (securitypythonfrontend)
17:44:44.687 DEBUG:   * Dataflow Bug Detection Rules for Python (dbdpythonfrontend)
17:44:44.687 DEBUG:   * Dataflow Bug Detection (dbd)
17:44:44.728 INFO: Inconsistent constructor declaration on bean with name 'org.sonarsource.scanner.api.internal.IsolatedClassloader@2c767a52-org.sonar.scanner.issue.IssueFilters': single autowire-marked constructor flagged as optional - this constructor is effectively required since there is no default constructor to fall back to: public org.sonar.scanner.issue.IssueFilters(org.sonar.api.batch.fs.internal.DefaultInputProject)
17:44:44.744 INFO: Load project repositories
17:44:44.753 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=9ms
17:44:44.760 INFO: Load project repositories (done) | time=16ms
17:44:44.761 INFO: SCM collecting changed files in the branch
17:44:44.796 INFO: Merge base sha1: bfd53ccf1a6aa7601c3feb9fd198ed3efe0c3a20
17:44:44.802 DEBUG: Thread[JGit-FileStoreAttributeReader-1,5,main]: start measure timestamp resolution /builds (/dev/root) in /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.git
17:44:44.802 DEBUG: Thread[JGit-FileStoreAttributeReader-1,5,main]: end measure timestamp resolution /builds (/dev/root) in /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.git; got PT0.000038487S
17:44:44.803 DEBUG: Thread[JGit-FileStoreAttributeReader-1,5,main]: start measure minimal racy interval in /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.git
17:44:44.901 DEBUG: Thread[main,5,main]: use fallback timestamp resolution for directory /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.git
17:44:44.919 INFO: SCM collecting changed files in the branch (done) | time=158ms
17:44:44.919 DEBUG: SCM reported 4 files changed in the branch
17:44:44.932 DEBUG: Available languages:
17:44:44.932 DEBUG:   * Python => "py"
17:44:44.932 DEBUG:   * Rust => "rust"
17:44:44.932 DEBUG:   * XML => "xml"
17:44:44.932 DEBUG:   * Terraform => "terraform"
17:44:44.932 DEBUG:   * CloudFormation => "cloudformation"
17:44:44.933 DEBUG:   * Kubernetes => "kubernetes"
17:44:44.933 DEBUG:   * Docker => "docker"
17:44:44.933 DEBUG:   * AzureResourceManager => "azureresourcemanager"
17:44:44.933 DEBUG:   * YAML => "yaml"
17:44:44.933 DEBUG:   * JSON => "json"
17:44:44.933 DEBUG:   * Text => "text"
17:44:44.933 DEBUG:   * Secrets => "secrets"
17:44:44.934 INFO: Indexing files...
17:44:44.935 INFO: Project configuration:
17:44:44.935 INFO:   Excluded sources for duplication: src/tools/download/download.constants.ts, src/components/routes/MainApp.tsx
17:44:44.941 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/credential/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.945 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/credential/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.946 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/credential/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.946 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/credential/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.946 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/credential/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.947 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/credential/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.947 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/key_vault/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.947 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/key_vault/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.948 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/key_vault/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.948 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_utils/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.948 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_utils/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.949 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_converter/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.949 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_converter/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.950 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_builder/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.950 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_builder/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.950 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.950 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_runner/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.951 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_runner/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.951 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_runner/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.952 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.952 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.952 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.953 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.953 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.954 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.954 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.955 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.955 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.955 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.956 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.956 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.956 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.957 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.957 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.957 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.958 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/SeedDcmConnectionPayload.json' indexed with language 'json'
17:44:44.958 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.958 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.959 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.959 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.959 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.960 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.960 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.961 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.961 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.962 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/' indexed with language 'py'
17:44:44.963 INFO: 46 files indexed
17:44:44.964 INFO: Quality profile for json: Sonar way
17:44:44.964 INFO: Quality profile for py: Sonar way
17:44:44.965 INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module loaders-factory_project_100_libs_dcc56297-5239-4e4b-ae29-57f2ebbb37a9
17:44:45.080 INFO: Load metrics repository
17:44:45.094 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=13ms
17:44:45.100 INFO: Load metrics repository (done) | time=20ms
17:44:45.746 DEBUG: 'Import external issues report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
17:44:45.747 DEBUG: 'Import of Pylint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
17:44:45.748 DEBUG: 'Import of Bandit issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
17:44:45.748 DEBUG: 'Import of Flake8 issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
17:44:45.748 DEBUG: 'Import of Mypy issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
17:44:45.748 DEBUG: 'Import of Ruff issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
17:44:45.748 DEBUG: 'RustSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
17:44:45.749 DEBUG: 'Import of Clippy issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
17:44:45.749 DEBUG: 'LCOV Sensor for Rust coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project
17:44:45.749 DEBUG: 'Cobertura Sensor for Rust' skipped because there is no related file in current project
17:44:45.750 DEBUG: 'XUnit Sensor for Rust' skipped because there is no related file in current project
17:44:45.750 DEBUG: 'XML Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
17:44:45.750 DEBUG: 'IaC Terraform Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
17:44:45.751 DEBUG: 'IaC Kubernetes Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
17:44:45.754 DEBUG: 'Generic Test Executions Report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
17:44:45.754 DEBUG: Sensors : Python Sensor -> Cobertura Sensor for Python coverage -> PythonXUnitSensor -> Python HTML templates processing -> JaCoCo XML Report Importer -> IaC CloudFormation Sensor -> IaC AzureResourceManager Sensor -> IaC Docker Sensor -> Serverless configuration file sensor -> AWS SAM template file sensor -> AWS SAM Inline template file sensor -> EnterpriseSecretsSensor -> javabugs -> pythonbugs -> TextAndSecretsSensor -> JavaSecuritySensor -> CSharpSecuritySensor -> PhpSecuritySensor -> PythonSecuritySensor -> JsSecuritySensor
17:44:45.755 INFO: Sensor Python Sensor [python]
17:44:45.775 DEBUG: Input files for indexing: [src/p100libs/key_vault/, src/p100libs/, src/p100libs/credential/, src/p100libs/credential/, src/p100libs/key_vault/, src/p100libs/credential/, src/p100libs/credential/, src/p100libs/key_vault/, src/p100libs/utils/, src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/, src/p100libs/workflow_builder/, src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/, src/p100libs/utils/, src/p100libs/utils/, src/p100libs/workflow_builder/, src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/, src/p100libs/workflow_runner/, src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/, src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/, src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/, src/p100libs/credential/, src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/, src/p100libs/utils/, src/p100libs/utils/, src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/, src/p100libs/workflow_utils/, src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/, src/p100libs/, src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/, src/p100libs/utils/, src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/, src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/, src/p100libs/workflow_utils/, src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/, src/p100libs/workflow_runner/, src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/, src/p100libs/utils/, src/p100libs/utils/, src/p100libs/workflow_converter/, src/p100libs/workflow_converter/, src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/, src/p100libs/workflow_runner/, src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/, src/p100libs/credential/, src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/]
17:44:45.776 INFO: Starting global symbols computation
17:44:45.792 INFO: 45 source files to be analyzed
17:44:45.792 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/key_vault/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.008 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.091 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/credential/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.097 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/credential/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.144 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/key_vault/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.188 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/credential/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.211 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/credential/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.225 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/key_vault/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.240 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.261 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.322 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_builder/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.374 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.455 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.464 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.469 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_builder/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.473 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.476 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_runner/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.486 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.498 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.520 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.523 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/credential/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.537 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.547 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.555 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.567 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.584 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_utils/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.587 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.590 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.594 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.620 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.626 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.653 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.660 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_utils/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.671 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.677 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_runner/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.710 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.713 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.722 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/utils/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.730 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_converter/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.749 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_converter/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.753 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.766 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/workflow_runner/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.769 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.775 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/credential/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.789 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:46.797 INFO: 45/45 source files have been analyzed
17:44:46.844 INFO: Starting rules execution
17:44:46.845 INFO: 45 source files to be analyzed
17:44:46.859 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/p100libs/key_vault/' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
17:44:47.584 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/p100libs/credential/' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
17:44:47.625 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:47.636 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:47.636 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:47.636 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:47.771 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:47.773 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:47.773 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:47.773 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:47.773 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:47.773 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:47.774 DEBUG: Skipping function get_secret_value_raw at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/key_vault/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: TryStatementImpl
17:44:47.774 DEBUG: Skipping function get_secret_value_as_dict at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/key_vault/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: TryStatementImpl
17:44:47.775 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:47.775 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:47.776 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:47.776 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:47.776 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:47.776 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:47.776 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:47.805 DEBUG: delta [ns] since modification FileSnapshot failed to detect
count, failures, racy limit [ns], delta min [ns], delta max [ns], delta avg [ns], delta stddev [ns]
2132, 69, 96217, 596331.0, 4088698.0, 2220069.8405797095, 996066.9104853709
17:44:47.805 DEBUG: FileStoreAttributes[fsTimestampResolution=38 µs, minimalRacyInterval=4,088 µs]
17:44:47.811 DEBUG: register$$Lambda$1984/0x00007f269c6a8df8@69661113 with shutdown hook
17:44:47.811 DEBUG: unregister$$Lambda$1984/0x00007f269c6a8df8@69661113 from shutdown hook
17:44:47.812 DEBUG: unregister$$Lambda$1984/0x00007f269c6a8df8@69661113 from shutdown hook
17:44:47.860 DEBUG: Skipping function check_typed_dict_type at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/credential/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: TryStatementImpl
17:44:47.860 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:47.860 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:47.860 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:47.860 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:47.899 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:47.930 DEBUG: Skipping function get_offline_credentials at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/key_vault/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: TryStatementImpl
17:44:47.930 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:47.930 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:47.930 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:47.930 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:47.961 DEBUG: Skipping function has_value at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/utils/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: Decorated function
17:44:47.961 DEBUG: Skipping function get_value_by_name at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/utils/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: Decorated function
17:44:47.961 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.043 DEBUG: Expression ComprehensionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.045 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.047 DEBUG: Expression ComprehensionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.047 DEBUG: Expression ComprehensionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.048 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.049 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.049 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.051 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.051 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.051 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.051 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.052 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.052 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.052 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.052 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.052 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.052 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.053 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.053 DEBUG: So far 10 files, containing 28 functions have been processed. IR generation was skipped for 6 functions.
17:44:48.241 DEBUG: Expression ComprehensionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.242 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.242 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.242 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.243 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.243 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.243 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.243 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.243 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.244 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.244 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.244 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.244 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.244 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.244 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.244 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.244 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.244 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.244 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.245 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.245 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.245 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.245 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.245 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.245 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.245 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.245 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.245 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.246 DEBUG: Skipping function build_workflow at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_builder/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: WithStatementImpl
17:44:48.246 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.246 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.246 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.247 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.247 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.247 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.247 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.247 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.247 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.248 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.248 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.248 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.248 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.248 DEBUG: Skipping statement PassStatementImpl.
17:44:48.328 DEBUG: Skipping function search_dict_list_by_key at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: ComprehensionExpressionImpl
17:44:48.329 DEBUG: Expression EllipsisExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.329 DEBUG: Expression EllipsisExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.330 DEBUG: Expression ComprehensionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.331 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.331 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.331 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.332 DEBUG: Skipping statement PassStatementImpl.
17:44:48.332 DEBUG: Skipping statement PassStatementImpl.
17:44:48.332 DEBUG: Skipping statement PassStatementImpl.
17:44:48.332 DEBUG: Skipping statement PassStatementImpl.
17:44:48.332 DEBUG: Skipping statement PassStatementImpl.
17:44:48.334 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.334 DEBUG: Skipping function compare_values at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: TryStatementImpl
17:44:48.334 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.334 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.334 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.335 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.335 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.335 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.335 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.335 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.335 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.335 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.335 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.335 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.455 DEBUG: Skipping function has_member at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/utils/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: Decorated function
17:44:48.455 DEBUG: Skipping function get_value_by_name at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/utils/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: Decorated function
17:44:48.455 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.474 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.480 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/p100libs/workflow_builder/' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
17:44:48.486 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
17:44:48.499 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.499 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.499 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.526 DEBUG: Expression ComprehensionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.526 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.526 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.526 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.526 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.527 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.527 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.527 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.528 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.528 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.528 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.528 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.528 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.528 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.528 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.528 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.564 DEBUG: Expression ComprehensionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.564 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.565 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.565 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.566 DEBUG: Skipping function get_record_id_field_name at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: TryStatementImpl
17:44:48.566 DEBUG: Expression DictCompExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.567 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 88 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:48.567 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.568 DEBUG: Expression ComprehensionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.568 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.568 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.568 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.568 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.569 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.569 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.609 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
17:44:48.610 DEBUG: So far 20 files, containing 64 functions have been processed. IR generation was skipped for 12 functions.
17:44:48.621 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.621 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.622 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.636 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.637 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.637 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.637 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.638 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.638 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.639 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.639 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.639 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.658 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.658 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.675 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.675 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.675 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.706 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 9 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:48.706 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.707 DEBUG: Skipping function _merge_dicts at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: YieldStatementImpl
17:44:48.708 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.708 DEBUG: Skipping function build_dcm_connection_payload_template at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: WithStatementImpl
17:44:48.709 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.709 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 51 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:48.709 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.709 DEBUG: Skipping function build_dcm_connection_payload_template_as_file at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: WithStatementImpl
17:44:48.709 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.710 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.710 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.710 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.738 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/p100libs/workflow_utils/' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
17:44:48.745 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
17:44:48.751 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/p100libs/' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
17:44:48.769 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.769 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.769 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.769 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.770 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.770 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 46 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:48.770 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.770 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.770 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 51 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:48.770 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.770 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.770 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 52 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:48.770 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.771 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.771 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 65 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:48.771 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.771 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.771 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 66 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:48.771 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.771 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.771 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 72 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:48.771 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.772 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.772 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 76 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:48.772 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.772 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.772 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.772 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.772 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 80 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:48.772 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.773 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.773 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.773 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.773 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.773 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.773 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.773 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.773 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.773 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.774 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 15 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:48.774 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.774 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.774 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.809 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/p100libs/utils/' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
17:44:48.810 DEBUG: So far 30 files, containing 83 functions have been processed. IR generation was skipped for 15 functions.
17:44:48.843 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.843 DEBUG: Expression ComprehensionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.843 DEBUG: Expression ComprehensionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.844 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.844 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.844 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.845 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.845 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.846 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.846 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.847 DEBUG: Skipping function compare_file_data at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: TryStatementImpl
17:44:48.847 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.847 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.848 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.848 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.848 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.848 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.848 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.848 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.849 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.900 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
17:44:48.902 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.902 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.902 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.902 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.902 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.902 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.903 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.903 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.903 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.903 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.903 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.903 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.918 DEBUG: Expression ComprehensionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.918 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.919 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.919 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.919 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.919 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.919 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.919 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.938 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.938 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.963 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.963 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.963 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.964 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.964 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.964 DEBUG: Skipping function get_engine_version at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_runner/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: TryStatementImpl
17:44:48.964 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.965 DEBUG: Skipping function write_engine_log at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_runner/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: TryStatementImpl
17:44:48.965 DEBUG: Skipping statement PassStatementImpl.
17:44:48.965 DEBUG: Skipping statement PassStatementImpl.
17:44:48.965 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.966 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.966 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.966 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.966 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.967 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.967 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.967 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.967 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.968 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.968 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.969 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.969 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.969 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.969 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.970 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.970 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.970 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.970 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.970 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.970 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:48.970 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.970 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:48.971 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.971 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.971 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.971 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:48.972 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:48.972 DEBUG: Skipping statement PassStatementImpl.
17:44:49.063 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
17:44:49.072 DEBUG: Skipping function setUpClass at file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/utils/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: Decorated function
17:44:49.073 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 12 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:49.073 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:49.073 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 14 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:49.073 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:49.073 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:49.074 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:49.092 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:49.092 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:49.092 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:49.092 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.093 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.093 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 13 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:49.093 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:49.118 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.119 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.120 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.120 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.120 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.120 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.121 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.121 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 46 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:49.121 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:49.121 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:49.122 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.122 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.124 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.124 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.124 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:49.125 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:49.125 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:49.125 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:49.125 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.125 DEBUG: Skipping top-level code in file /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_converter/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: WithStatementImpl
17:44:49.182 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/p100libs/workflow_converter/' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
17:44:49.183 DEBUG: So far 40 files, containing 111 functions have been processed. IR generation was skipped for 19 functions.
17:44:49.197 DEBUG: Expression ComprehensionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:49.197 DEBUG: Expression ComprehensionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:49.197 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.198 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.198 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:49.198 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 32 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:49.198 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:49.199 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.199 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.199 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.201 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 56 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
17:44:49.201 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
17:44:49.201 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:49.201 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:49.201 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:49.201 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:49.201 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:49.227 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/p100libs/workflow_runner/' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
17:44:49.235 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:49.235 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:49.251 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.252 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.252 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.252 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportNameImpl.
17:44:49.252 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:49.252 DEBUG: Skipping statement ImportFromImpl.
17:44:49.252 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown-expression function call.
17:44:49.273 DEBUG: Not enough content in 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
17:44:49.278 INFO: 45/45 source files have been analyzed
17:44:49.278 INFO: The Python analyzer was able to leverage cached data from previous analyses for 0 out of 45 files. These files were not parsed.
17:44:49.278 INFO: Sensor Python Sensor [python] (done) | time=3523ms
17:44:49.278 INFO: Sensor Cobertura Sensor for Python coverage [python]
17:44:49.279 DEBUG: Using pattern 'coverage-reports/coverage.xml' to find reports
17:44:49.315 INFO: Python test coverage
17:44:49.317 INFO: Parsing report '/builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/coverage-reports/coverage.xml'
17:44:49.378 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/key_vault/'
17:44:49.382 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/'
17:44:49.384 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/credential/'
17:44:49.384 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/key_vault/'
17:44:49.384 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/credential/'
17:44:49.385 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/credential/'
17:44:49.385 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/credential/'
17:44:49.385 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/utils/'
17:44:49.386 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/key_vault/'
17:44:49.386 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/'
17:44:49.387 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/'
17:44:49.388 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/workflow_builder/'
17:44:49.388 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/utils/'
17:44:49.388 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/utils/'
17:44:49.389 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/workflow_builder/'
17:44:49.389 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/'
17:44:49.389 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/workflow_runner/'
17:44:49.389 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/'
17:44:49.390 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/'
17:44:49.390 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/'
17:44:49.390 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/'
17:44:49.390 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/credential/'
17:44:49.391 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/utils/'
17:44:49.391 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/utils/'
17:44:49.391 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/'
17:44:49.392 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/'
17:44:49.392 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/workflow_utils/'
17:44:49.392 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/'
17:44:49.392 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/'
17:44:49.392 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/utils/'
17:44:49.393 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/'
17:44:49.393 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/'
17:44:49.393 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/'
17:44:49.394 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/workflow_utils/'
17:44:49.394 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/'
17:44:49.394 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/workflow_runner/'
17:44:49.394 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/utils/'
17:44:49.395 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/utils/'
17:44:49.395 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/workflow_converter/'
17:44:49.395 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/'
17:44:49.396 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/workflow_converter/'
17:44:49.396 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/workflow_runner/'
17:44:49.396 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/'
17:44:49.396 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/credential/'
17:44:49.397 DEBUG: Saving coverage measures for file 'src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/'
17:44:49.397 INFO: Sensor Cobertura Sensor for Python coverage [python] (done) | time=119ms
17:44:49.397 INFO: Sensor PythonXUnitSensor [python]
17:44:49.397 DEBUG: Using pattern 'xunit-reports/xunit-result-*.xml' to find reports
17:44:49.424 DEBUG: No report was found for sonar.python.xunit.reportPath using default pattern xunit-reports/xunit-result-*.xml
17:44:49.424 INFO: Sensor PythonXUnitSensor [python] (done) | time=27ms
17:44:49.424 INFO: Sensor Python HTML templates processing [securitypythonfrontend]
17:44:49.441 INFO: Sensor Python HTML templates processing [securitypythonfrontend] (done) | time=17ms
17:44:49.441 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco]
17:44:49.442 INFO: 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml
17:44:49.442 INFO: No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer
17:44:49.442 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=1ms
17:44:49.442 INFO: Sensor IaC CloudFormation Sensor [iac]
17:44:49.444 DEBUG: 'src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/SeedDcmConnectionPayload.json' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
17:44:49.444 DEBUG: File without identifier 'AWSTemplateFormatVersion': src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/SeedDcmConnectionPayload.json
17:44:49.446 INFO: 0 source files to be analyzed
17:44:49.453 INFO: 0/0 source files have been analyzed
17:44:49.453 INFO: Sensor IaC CloudFormation Sensor [iac] (done) | time=11ms
17:44:49.453 INFO: Sensor IaC AzureResourceManager Sensor [iac]
17:44:49.453 INFO: Sensor IaC AzureResourceManager Sensor is restricted to changed files only
17:44:49.454 DEBUG: File without identifier '': src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/SeedDcmConnectionPayload.json
17:44:49.454 INFO: 0 source files to be analyzed
17:44:49.515 INFO: 0/0 source files have been analyzed
17:44:49.515 INFO: Sensor IaC AzureResourceManager Sensor [iac] (done) | time=62ms
17:44:49.515 INFO: Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac]
17:44:49.515 INFO: Sensor IaC Docker Sensor is restricted to changed files only
17:44:49.516 INFO: 0 source files to be analyzed
17:44:49.546 INFO: 0/0 source files have been analyzed
17:44:49.546 INFO: Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac] (done) | time=31ms
17:44:49.546 INFO: Sensor Serverless configuration file sensor [security]
17:44:49.547 INFO: 0 Serverless function entries were found in the project
17:44:49.549 INFO: 0 Serverless function handlers were kept as entrypoints
17:44:49.549 INFO: Sensor Serverless configuration file sensor [security] (done) | time=3ms
17:44:49.549 INFO: Sensor AWS SAM template file sensor [security]
17:44:49.549 DEBUG: 0 SAM template configuration files were found in the project. 0 SAM function entries were found in total. 0 were kept as potential entrypoints.
17:44:49.549 INFO: Sensor AWS SAM template file sensor [security] (done) | time=0ms
17:44:49.549 INFO: Sensor AWS SAM Inline template file sensor [security]
17:44:49.550 DEBUG: 0 SAM Inline template configuration files were found in the project. 0 SAM Inline function entries were found in total. 0 were kept as potential entrypoints.
17:44:49.550 INFO: Sensor AWS SAM Inline template file sensor [security] (done) | time=1ms
17:44:49.550 INFO: Sensor EnterpriseSecretsSensor [textenterprise]
17:44:49.550 INFO: Sensor EnterpriseSecretsSensor is restricted to changed files only
17:44:49.550 INFO: Available processors: 4
17:44:49.550 INFO: Using 4 threads for analysis.
17:44:49.554 INFO: Sensor EnterpriseSecretsSensor [textenterprise] (done) | time=4ms
17:44:49.554 INFO: Sensor javabugs [dbd]
17:44:49.554 DEBUG: Could not load type definitions from /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.scannerwork/ir/java/collected.typedefs: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.scannerwork/ir/java/collected.typedefs (No such file or directory)
17:44:49.555 INFO: Reading IR files from: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.scannerwork/ir/java
17:44:49.555 INFO: No IR files have been included for analysis.
17:44:49.555 INFO: Sensor javabugs [dbd] (done) | time=1ms
17:44:49.555 INFO: Sensor pythonbugs [dbd]
17:44:49.580 INFO: Reading IR files from: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.scannerwork/ir/python
17:44:49.588 INFO: Analyzing 118 functions to detect bugs.
17:44:49.799 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_converter/ - 86:37) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.800 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_converter/ - 86:51) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.802 DEBUG: 4 paths have been skipped in function p100libs.workflow_converter.wf_convert.modify_db_file_output.
17:44:49.807 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_converter/ - 65:37) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.807 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_converter/ - 65:51) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.809 DEBUG: 4 paths have been skipped in function p100libs.workflow_converter.wf_convert.modify_db_file_input.
17:44:49.810 DEBUG: 10 paths have been skipped in function p100libs.workflow_converter.wf_convert.convert_wf_connections_to_dcm.
17:44:49.816 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/ - 35:34) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.816 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/ - 37:34) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.816 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/ - 38:36) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.839 DEBUG: 1 paths have been skipped in function p100libs.credential.credential.Credential.__init__.
17:44:49.848 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ - 106:57) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.849 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ - 106:84) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.849 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ - 110:21) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.892 DEBUG: 8 paths have been skipped in function p100libs.yxdb_comparator.abstract_comparator.AbstractComparator.__init__.
17:44:49.951 DEBUG: 2 paths have been skipped in function p100libs.dcm_seeder.dcm_ddl_wrapper.seed_dcm_connections.
17:44:49.952 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/ - 16:8) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.952 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/ - 17:34) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.953 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/ - 23:35) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.953 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/ - 24:29) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.957 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ - 87:51) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.957 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ - 88:53) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.959 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ - 96:32) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.959 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ - 96:58) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.959 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ - 97:36) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.959 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ - 97:62) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.959 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ - 108:36) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.960 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ - 108:46) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.960 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ - 108:65) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.960 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/ - 108:75) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.962 DEBUG: 2 paths have been skipped in function /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/main.#__main__.
17:44:49.964 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_runner/ - 87:35) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.966 DEBUG: 3 paths have been skipped in function p100libs.workflow_runner.workflow_runner.WorkflowRunner.run_workflow.
17:44:49.967 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_runner/ - 139:69) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.971 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_runner/ - 33:56) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.971 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_runner/ - 33:26) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.972 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_runner/ - 28:17) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.972 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_runner/ - 28:37) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.972 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_runner/ - 33:56) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.973 DEBUG: Issue G at /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_runner/ - 33:26) suppressed by unknown constraint
17:44:49.976 INFO: Sensor pythonbugs [dbd] (done) | time=421ms
17:44:49.976 INFO: Sensor TextAndSecretsSensor [text]
17:44:49.976 INFO: Sensor TextAndSecretsSensor is restricted to changed files only
17:44:49.976 INFO: Available processors: 4
17:44:49.976 INFO: Using 4 threads for analysis.
17:44:50.317 DEBUG: Analyzing only language associated files, "sonar.text.inclusions.activate" property is deactivated
17:44:50.317 DEBUG: There are no files to be analyzed
17:44:50.317 INFO: Sensor TextAndSecretsSensor [text] (done) | time=341ms
17:44:50.317 INFO: Sensor JavaSecuritySensor [security]
17:44:50.319 INFO: Enabled taint analysis rules: S2076, S2078, S2083, S2091, S2631, S3649, S5131, S5135, S5144, S5145, S5146, S5147, S5334, S5883, S6096, S6173, S6287, S6350, S6384, S6390, S6398, S6399, S6547, S6549
17:44:50.320 INFO: Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
17:44:50.320 INFO: Load type hierarchy: Starting
17:44:50.320 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.scannerwork/ucfg2/java
17:44:50.320 INFO: Read 0 type definitions
17:44:50.322 INFO: Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.001
17:44:50.322 INFO: Load UCFGs: Starting
17:44:50.322 INFO: Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
17:44:50.322 INFO: Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.002
17:44:50.322 INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis.
17:44:50.323 INFO: java security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:00.004
17:44:50.331 INFO: Sensor JavaSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=14ms
17:44:50.331 INFO: Sensor CSharpSecuritySensor [security]
17:44:50.331 INFO: Enabled taint analysis rules: S2076, S2078, S2083, S2091, S2631, S3649, S5131, S5135, S5144, S5145, S5146, S5334, S5883, S6096, S6173, S6287, S6350, S6399, S6639, S6641
17:44:50.331 INFO: Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
17:44:50.331 INFO: Load type hierarchy: Starting
17:44:50.331 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/ucfg2/cs
17:44:50.331 INFO: Read 0 type definitions
17:44:50.331 INFO: Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
17:44:50.331 INFO: Load UCFGs: Starting
17:44:50.331 INFO: Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
17:44:50.331 INFO: Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
17:44:50.331 INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis.
17:44:50.332 INFO: csharp security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
17:44:50.332 INFO: Sensor CSharpSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=1ms
17:44:50.332 INFO: Sensor PhpSecuritySensor [security]
17:44:50.332 INFO: Enabled taint analysis rules: S2076, S2078, S2083, S2091, S2631, S3649, S5131, S5135, S5144, S5145, S5146, S5334, S5335, S5883, S6173, S6287, S6350
17:44:50.332 INFO: Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
17:44:50.332 INFO: Load type hierarchy: Starting
17:44:50.332 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.scannerwork/ucfg2/php
17:44:50.332 INFO: Read 0 type definitions
17:44:50.332 INFO: Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
17:44:50.332 INFO: Load UCFGs: Starting
17:44:50.332 INFO: Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
17:44:50.332 INFO: Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
17:44:50.332 INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis.
17:44:50.332 INFO: php security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
17:44:50.333 INFO: Sensor PhpSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=1ms
17:44:50.333 INFO: Sensor PythonSecuritySensor [security]
17:44:50.333 INFO: Enabled taint analysis rules: S2076, S2078, S2083, S2091, S2631, S3649, S5131, S5135, S5144, S5145, S5146, S5147, S5334, S5496, S6287, S6350, S6639, S6680, S6776, S6839
17:44:50.333 INFO: Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
17:44:50.333 INFO: Load type hierarchy: Starting
17:44:50.333 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.scannerwork/ucfg2/python
17:44:50.414 INFO: Read 439 type definitions
17:44:50.421 INFO: Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.087
17:44:50.421 INFO: Load UCFGs: Starting
17:44:50.421 INFO: Reading UCFGs from: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.scannerwork/ucfg2/python
17:44:50.810 INFO: Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.388
17:44:50.810 INFO: Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.477
17:44:50.810 INFO: Analyzing 2359 UCFGs to detect vulnerabilities.
17:44:50.814 INFO: Check cache: Starting
17:44:50.814 INFO: Load cache: Starting
17:44:50.814 INFO: Load cache: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
17:44:50.814 INFO: Check cache: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
17:44:50.815 INFO: Create runtime call graph: Starting
17:44:50.815 INFO: Variable Type Analysis #1: Starting
17:44:50.816 INFO: Create runtime type propagation graph: Starting
17:44:50.847 INFO: Create runtime type propagation graph: Time spent was 00:00:00.030
17:44:50.847 INFO: Run SCC (Tarjan) on 5966 nodes: Starting
17:44:50.855 INFO: Run SCC (Tarjan) on 5966 nodes: Time spent was 00:00:00.007
17:44:50.856 INFO: Tarjan found 5966 strongly connected components
17:44:50.856 INFO: Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Starting
17:44:50.871 INFO: Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Time spent was 00:00:00.015
17:44:50.872 INFO: Variable Type Analysis #1: Time spent was 00:00:00.056
17:44:50.873 INFO: Variable Type Analysis #2: Starting
17:44:50.873 INFO: Create runtime type propagation graph: Starting
17:44:50.891 INFO: Create runtime type propagation graph: Time spent was 00:00:00.017
17:44:50.891 INFO: Run SCC (Tarjan) on 5863 nodes: Starting
17:44:50.914 INFO: Run SCC (Tarjan) on 5863 nodes: Time spent was 00:00:00.021
17:44:50.914 INFO: Tarjan found 5863 strongly connected components
17:44:50.914 INFO: Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Starting
17:44:50.931 INFO: Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Time spent was 00:00:00.016
17:44:50.931 INFO: Variable Type Analysis #2: Time spent was 00:00:00.057
17:44:50.933 INFO: Create runtime call graph: Time spent was 00:00:00.118
17:44:50.934 INFO: Load config: Starting
17:44:51.015 DEBUG: Loaded 44 sources.
17:44:51.028 DEBUG: Loaded 58 sanitizers.
17:44:51.034 DEBUG: Loaded 39 validators.
17:44:51.038 DEBUG: Loaded 85 passthroughs.
17:44:51.041 DEBUG: Loaded 11 collectionHandlers.
17:44:51.072 DEBUG: Loaded 398 sinks.
17:44:51.073 DEBUG: Loaded 0 encoders.
17:44:51.075 DEBUG: Loaded 0 decoders.
17:44:51.080 INFO: Load config: Time spent was 00:00:00.146
17:44:51.080 INFO: Compute entry points: Starting
17:44:51.217 INFO: Compute entry points: Time spent was 00:00:00.137
17:44:51.218 INFO: No entry points found.
17:44:51.218 INFO: python security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:00.884
17:44:51.219 INFO: python security sensor: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.333321529Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:51.218190808Z, Duration: 00:00:00.884
  Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.333455284Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.810491195Z, Duration: 00:00:00.477
    Load type hierarchy: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.333488595Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.420930911Z, Duration: 00:00:00.087
    Load UCFGs: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.421101699Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.810055055Z, Duration: 00:00:00.388
  Check cache: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.814023467Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.814947341Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Load cache: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.814197524Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.814497455Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
  Create runtime call graph: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.815168386Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.933928757Z, Duration: 00:00:00.118
    Variable Type Analysis #1: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.815909490Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.872058410Z, Duration: 00:00:00.056
      Create runtime type propagation graph: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.816925493Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.847434852Z, Duration: 00:00:00.030
      Run SCC (Tarjan) on 5966 nodes: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.847912358Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.855857147Z, Duration: 00:00:00.007
      Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.856242167Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.871827728Z, Duration: 00:00:00.015
    Variable Type Analysis #2: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.873570280Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.931424467Z, Duration: 00:00:00.057
      Create runtime type propagation graph: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.873726404Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.891412463Z, Duration: 00:00:00.017
      Run SCC (Tarjan) on 5863 nodes: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.891521146Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.912946621Z, Duration: 00:00:00.021
      Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.914477711Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.931310263Z, Duration: 00:00:00.016
  Load config: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:50.934173138Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:51.080284623Z, Duration: 00:00:00.146
  Compute entry points: Begin: 2024-09-16T17:44:51.080530675Z, End: 2024-09-16T17:44:51.217596640Z, Duration: 00:00:00.137
17:44:51.219 INFO: python security sensor peak memory: 133 MB
17:44:51.220 DEBUG: Debug information:
17:44:51.220 INFO: Sensor PythonSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=887ms
17:44:51.220 INFO: Sensor JsSecuritySensor [security]
17:44:51.221 INFO: Enabled taint analysis rules: S6096, S5147, S2076, S5144, S2631, S5146, S6350, S6287, S3649, S5696, S5131, S6105, S5883, S2083, S5334
17:44:51.221 INFO: Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
17:44:51.221 INFO: Load type hierarchy: Starting
17:44:51.221 INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js
17:44:51.221 INFO: Read 0 type definitions
17:44:51.222 INFO: Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
17:44:51.222 INFO: Load UCFGs: Starting
17:44:51.222 INFO: Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
17:44:51.222 INFO: Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.001
17:44:51.222 INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis.
17:44:51.222 INFO: js security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:00.001
17:44:51.223 INFO: Sensor JsSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=3ms
17:44:51.226 INFO: ------------- Run sensors on project
17:44:51.255 DEBUG: 'Generic Coverage Report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
17:44:51.256 DEBUG: 'Import external issues report from SARIF file.' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
17:44:51.256 DEBUG: 'Java CPD Block Indexer' skipped because there is no related file in current project
17:44:51.256 DEBUG: Sensors : Zero Coverage Sensor
17:44:51.257 INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor
17:44:51.258 INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (done) | time=1ms
17:44:51.266 INFO: CPD Executor 14 files had no CPD blocks
17:44:51.266 INFO: CPD Executor Calculating CPD for 31 files
17:44:51.267 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/credential/
17:44:51.273 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/api/
17:44:51.273 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/
17:44:51.274 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/utils/
17:44:51.274 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_builder/
17:44:51.275 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/
17:44:51.276 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_runner/
17:44:51.277 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/credential/
17:44:51.277 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/
17:44:51.285 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/credential/
17:44:51.285 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/
17:44:51.285 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_utils/
17:44:51.286 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/utils/
17:44:51.286 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_converter/
17:44:51.287 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/
17:44:51.288 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/
17:44:51.289 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/utils/
17:44:51.290 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/workflow_runner/
17:44:51.290 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/utils/
17:44:51.291 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/key_vault/
17:44:51.291 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/utils/
17:44:51.294 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/dcm_seeder/
17:44:51.294 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/key_vault/
17:44:51.294 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/utils/
17:44:51.295 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_reader/
17:44:51.295 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/utils/
17:44:51.296 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/exceptions/
17:44:51.296 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/credential/
17:44:51.297 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/credential/
17:44:51.297 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/
17:44:51.298 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/src/p100libs/yxdb_comparator/
17:44:51.304 INFO: CPD Executor CPD calculation finished (done) | time=31ms
17:44:51.308 INFO: SCM revision ID '2e838ee4de11eae59c8ed9ecd6990473d6add684'
17:44:51.383 INFO: SCM writing changed lines
17:44:51.385 DEBUG: loading config FileBasedConfig[/tmp/jgit/config]
17:44:51.387 INFO: Merge base sha1: bfd53ccf1a6aa7601c3feb9fd198ed3efe0c3a20
17:44:51.388 DEBUG: SCM reported changed lines for 0 files in the branch
17:44:51.388 INFO: SCM writing changed lines (done) | time=5ms
17:44:51.394 INFO: Analysis report generated in 83ms, dir size=254.2 kB
17:44:51.444 INFO: Analysis report compressed in 49ms, zip size=63.4 kB
17:44:51.444 INFO: Analysis report generated in /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.scannerwork/scanner-report
17:44:51.444 DEBUG: Upload report
17:44:51.472 DEBUG: POST 200 | time=27ms
17:44:51.477 INFO: Analysis report uploaded in 31ms
17:44:51.480 DEBUG: Report metadata written to /builds/loaders-factory/project_100_libs/.scannerwork/report-task.txt
17:44:51.480 INFO: ------------- Check Quality Gate status
17:44:51.480 INFO: Waiting for the analysis report to be processed (max 300s)
17:44:51.490 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=10ms
17:44:56.506 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=10ms
17:45:01.518 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=12ms
17:45:01.528 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=10ms
17:45:01.535 INFO: QUALITY GATE STATUS: PASSED - View details on

I’m using Enterprise Edition v10.5.1

Hey @vladimir-ayx

By all means, coverage shoudl be reported on all these files. Maybe coverage-reports/coverage.xml doesn’t contain the content you expect. I would suggest running a cat coverage-reports/coverage.xml to see if it actually indicates your files are being reported as covered.