Won't fix resolution is not inherited

Version: Enterprise Edition Version 9.4 (build 54424)

won't fix resolution is not inherited in merged branch.

  1. Branch aaa has 3 major issues, and I resolved the issue as won’t fix.
  2. Merged aaa to master.
  3. If I ran sonarqube task on master, resolved 3 major issues reappear.

Hey there.

Do you raise a pull request (that is analyzed by SonarQube) to merge the changes into your master branch, and are the issues marked as won’t fix in that pull request? That is the only way to have the issue states merged across branches.

do you mean pull request from github or gitlab is required to make won't fix inherited?

Our team use gradle sonarscanner plugin to send analysis to sonarqube host.
Above issue was also tested by gradle sonarscanner plugin.
We just run ./gradlew sonarqube at every commit in our CI server.
So PR is not really required for our sonarqube usage.

Also, I thought the one that is analyzed is branch, not the PR.

HEY,does the pull request raise in branch?

I would like to know how to raise a pull request (that is analyzed by SonarQube) to merge the changes into your master branch