"won't fix" issues shown in sonarlint report

  • Operating system: windows 10
  • IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.3
  • SonarLint plugin version:
  • Connected to SonarQube 9.4.0-community

I have spring mvc project and i use sonar-scaner to scan the project with the following command:
sonar-scanner.bat -D"sonar.projectKey=project" -D"sonar.sources=src/main/java" -D"sonar.host.url=http://ip" -D"sonar.login=key" -D"sonar.java.binaries=.\target\classes" -D"sonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8"

i’ve marked many issues as “won’t fix” in sonarQube server, so sonarlint wouldn’t show them.
when i enter the “report” tab in sonarlint plugin inside IntelliJ, i get some strange behavior. most of the time it shows issues that have been already marked as “won’t fix” and somtimes it doesn’t show the issues at all.
how can i fix the problem?

Hello @alexm,

Thanks for raising this issue. This is supposed to work, and since very recently we apply suppressions in branches.

Let me ask a few questions:

  • You are mentioning the Report tab, does that mean you analyze the whole project or a module ?
  • Did you bind the whole project or individual modules ?
  • Do you use Git as SCM ?
  • Did you mark the issues as won’t fix on the main or another branch ? Are those issues coming from Pull Requests ?
  • Could you try to open Settings > Tools > SonarLint, then select your connection and click “Update Binding” ?

We lack some documentation on the topic, so I will try to create some

  • You are mentioning the Report tab, does that mean you analyze the whole project or a module ?
    inside report tab i click on "analyze all project files"
  • Did you bind the whole project or individual modules ?
    i bind the whole project
  • Do you use Git as SCM ?
  • Did you mark the issues as won’t fix on the main or another branch ? Are those issues coming from Pull Requests ?
    I marked the issues as won’t fix on the main branch, the issues were created after i ran the sonar-scanner command manually
  • Could you try to open Settings > Tools > SonarLint , then select your connection and click “Update Binding” ?
    I’ve already tried it many times and it doesn’t resolve the issue

i created small project to restore the issue.
the project has 3 files, sonar detected 4 issues.
i marked all the issues as “won’t fix” and i still see the issues inside sonarlint report tab
i attach the project,logs,intllij settings screenshots,sonarqube screenshots

the project has sonar-project.properties file, i just run sonar-scanner.bat to scan the project.
sonar.zip (569.8 KB)