Why was bash added between and

Thank-you, @Colin. I’m still looking into this, although I’m running out of ideas.

I saw that gradlew calls uname twice, but not uname -m.

We have called uname -m for a long time to collect analytics

Could you point me to where that happens, if possible?

Does it happen in the org.sonarsource.scanner.gradle:sonarqube-gradle-plugin:3.3 .jar?

Although I understand it’s not the cause of this issue, since it has been around for some time (and our Sonar scripts have worked for over a year otherwise).

One hindrance to just installing bash in the Alpine container is that we use docker run --rm ..., which deletes itself between invocations. So we can’t cache it, and–for our purposes–precious seconds count on the self-hosted runners, to avoid blocking multiple teams’ builds.

For the same reason, we may not be able to switch to a non-Alpine image, since installing bash there takes, for example, increases the GitHub Actions workflow by a minute.

Still looking…

Similar post, but resolution was just to install bash :sweat_smile: