What permissions are required for a web API token to get list of all projects and data for issues

I’m trying to use the Sonarcloud web API to fetch list of projects & issues of these projects but there’s no clue around what kind of permissions are required for what kind of API.

Even these pages (below) have no help around the permissions required for accessing the web API which is pretty disappointing considering the popularity & support SonarSource products have got so far from the community :-1: :

  1. https://sonarcloud.io/web_api
  2. https://docs.sonarsource.com/sonarcloud/advanced-setup/web-api/

From the permissions page under my organisation > Administration, I can see below permission types:

  1. Administer organisation
  2. Administer
  3. Execute Analysis
  4. Create

Which out of above 4 should a user have so that their token can be used to fetch data on the projects and the issues?

Can someone explain how to figure this out?

Hey there.

For getting a list of projects and a list of issues, I think the Web API documentation is mostly clear about the permissions needed.

GET api/issues/search

  • Requires the ‘Browse’ permission on the specified project(s).

This is a project-level permission.

GET api/projects/search

  • Requires ‘System Administrator’ permission

(Okay, the latter one should read “Administer organization”)