Enterprise Edition Version 9.3 (build 51899)
Need to capture the governance report for a particular merge request (not just master).
We have been investigating the Web Api and it works great, for master. When I try to get a report using &branchKey=my-cool-feature the curl command errors out. When I put it in the Web URL, I get a report for master.
Using the web api api/project_branches/list, it only shows master.
I have attempted to add my feature branch to the list of protected branches, and also make my feature branch the default branch. Still I get only master.
Another approach we are trying to capture the output is to convert the web url to a PDF and save that off for the security team.
Is it possible to use my API Token to login via the URL? Otherwise, my PDF is of the login screen.
What options does Sonarqube provide to get a Governance report for a particular branch / Merge Request?
Thanks for your help!