What are all these "Analyze project_xyz" tokens under my account for?

I manually created a new project

I went to my account page and security https://sonarcloud.io/account/security/

I see a token for that project I just created- what is that? They all have names like "Analyze “my_new_project”

I thought these tokens were just user tokens- like a token I manually create myself for sonarlint for example. What happens when I “revoke” the token that was automatically created for this new project I created?


User tokens are automatically generated when you import a project and go through the tutorial to configure your analysis.
If you revoke the new token, you will not see analysis coming to SonarCloud (except if you use Automatic Analysis, and in this case you don’t need a token).

When all your project have been analyzed (= all tokens related to projects have a “Last use” date), you can safely revoke unused tokens to cleanup this page.

We are aware of an historical issue in token generation which could result in more tokens than needed being generated. I created this ticket so we do not forget to improve this.


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