I upgraded recently SonarQube version to be 8.9.10
I was using SonaQube build breaker but after the upgrade I am forced to use the Jenkins Integration based on Webhooks.
I am installing SonarQube on Windows Server.
I installed SonarQube plugin in Jenkins and use the recommended pipeline syntax but jenkins never receives the webhook.
stage('Build') {
steps {
withSonarQubeEnv('SonarQubeServer') {
bat '''
cd project
stage('SonarQube Quality Gate') {
steps {
timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') {
waitForQualityGate abortPipeline: true
**23:38:38** Checking status of SonarQube task 'AYsgrRZ4J88fV5eZaF5b' on server 'SonarQubeServer' **23:38:38** SonarQube task 'AYsgrRZ4J88fV5eZaF5b' status is 'IN_PROGRESS' **00:38:38** Cancelling nested steps due to timeout
The task Id is different because the image is captured in later analysis.
I can post the json file to jenkins manually using postman or curl without any problem and without any certificates.
The problem only in SonarQube which complains that the server is unreachable also it’s reachable from curl and postman.
Also, some sites suggested to do this update but it didn’t make a difference with me.
set “networkaddress.cache.ttl = 5” in “${JAVAHOME}/conf/security/java.security”
Any idea how to solve this SonarQube issue ?