Web API parameter should be public

Dear Sonar community,

we are using the Web API command api/project_analyses/search to get a list of project analyses. But as we need this list on branch basis, we need to use the branch parameter. Unfortunately the branch parameter is only an internal parameter which means we can only use it at our own risk. In our opinion this parameter should be public because it is very useful. If you search for project_analyses you usually do it branch based. Is it possible to change this parameter to be public and not internal?

Regards, Wiebke

May I ask for your point of view @ganncamp?

Hi Wiebke,

I don’t disagree with you.

Many ‘internal’ parameters were marked as such during their initial implementation, when we weren’t quite sure of our direction. As the direction solidified, we never revisited those markers.

Since they are marked ‘internal’ using them is at-your-own-risk, as you’ve noted. And I’m confident that that risk is pretty low.

And this topic has been flagged for internal (see what I did there :wink:) attention.
