We are unable to push the code coverage to Sonarqube portal

we are unable to push the code coverage to Sonarqube portal.

We have generated the code through yaml pipelines (Dotnet application) but we are unable to push the code coverage to Sonarqube portal

We are using below yaml pipeline tasks

  • task: SonarQubePrepare@5
    displayName: ‘Prepare Sonar Configuration for .NET’
    continueOnError: true
    SonarQube: ${{ parameters.sonarQubeConnection }}
    scannerMode: ‘MSBuild’
    projectKey: ${{ parameters.sonarProjectKey }}
    extraProperties: |
    ${{ parameters.sonarExtraProperties }}

  • task: SonarQubeAnalyze@5
    condition: succeededOrFailed()
    displayName: ‘Run Code Analysis’
    continueOnError: ${{ parameters.sonarContinueOnError }}

  • task: SonarQubePublish@5
    displayName: ‘Publish Quality Gate Result’
    continueOnError: ${{ parameters.sonarContinueOnError }}
    pollingTimeoutSec: ‘300’

So could please find the below screenshot , Please help me how to resolve this issue.


Welcome to the community!

The docs should help.
