WARN Pattern Deprecated


I have my sonar scanner running with SonarCLI and I am getting these warnings:

  • Using absolute path pattern is deprecated. Please use relative path instead of ‘file:/automation/
  • Using absolute path pattern is deprecated. Please use relative path instead of ‘file:/test-applications/

But I don’t have that kind of pattern anywhere and I am not excluding them manually. Is it something default from Sonar? How can I get rid from these warnings?

Thank you so much.

Hey there.

What version of SonarQube are you using? Can you share your full scanner logs?

Hi Colin, yes sure:

version SonarScanner CLI
Communicating with SonarQube Server


 INFO Load quality profiles
 INFO Load quality profiles (done) | time=81ms
 INFO Load active rules
 INFO Load active rules (done) | time=1736ms
 INFO Load analysis cache
 INFO Load analysis cache | time=73ms
 INFO Branch name: branch-name

 WARN Using absolute path pattern is deprecated. Please use relative path instead of 'file:**/automation/**'
 WARN Using absolute path pattern is deprecated. Please use relative path instead of 'file:**/test-applications/**'

 INFO Load project repositories
 INFO Load project repositories (done) | time=29ms
 INFO Project configuration:
 INFO Excluded sources: file:**/automation/**, file:**/test-applications/**

 WARN Using absolute path pattern is deprecated. Please use relative path instead of 'file:**/automation/**'
 WARN Using absolute path pattern is deprecated. Please use relative path instead of 'file:**/test-applications/**'


This must be coming from somewhere. Have you checked the settings in the SonarQube UI? Either Global Administration > Analysis Scope or project-level Project Settings > General > Analysis Scope

Yes I believe it comes from here:

Rule Key Pattern
Pattern to match rules which should be ignored. squid:S2039

File Path Pattern
Pattern to match files which should be ignored. ;**/

Ignore Issues on Multiple Criteria

Patterns to ignore issues on certain components and for certain coding rules.
A rule key pattern consists of the rule repository name, followed by a colon, followed by a rule key or rule name fragment. For example:

  • java:S1195
  • java:Naming

It should be a simple fix overall if you’ve found the setting. Just get rid of the file: part and leave **/automation/**, for example.