WARN: Analyzer working directory does not exist

I have a visual studio solution with 10 or more projects. The entire solution is setup for code analysis and all of the projects work except for one which fails for the reason shown below

11:39:32 INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module Comet.ShellBoost
11:39:32 INFO: Sensor SonarCSS Rules [cssfamily]
11:39:32 INFO: No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped.
11:39:32 INFO: Sensor SonarCSS Rules [cssfamily] (done) | time=0ms
11:39:32 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp]
11:39:32 WARN: Analyzer working directory does not exist: 'D:\jenkins\workspace\DesktopConnector\.sonarqube\out\17\output-cs'. Analyzer results won't be loaded from this directory.
11:39:32 WARN: Analyzer working directory does not exist: 'D:\jenkins\workspace\DesktopConnector\.sonarqube\out\87\output-cs'. Analyzer results won't be loaded from this directory.

i don’t see anything specific about this project that might cause it to act differently. Are there any pointers to how I can resolve this problem.

One thing of note: I DO use some Rosalyn analyzers on this project other than SonarQube. Some of them are actually sonar analyzers. We like to enforce some SonarQube rules in our local compiles before we even get to the server. I’m wondering if that’s causing a problem. I might think so, however, i use those same analyzers for the other projects in my solution that succeed.

Any tips for how I can diagnose this would be appreciate.

Thank you!! :slight_smile:

I’m following up on this post to see if someone could help us with this? It’s turning out to be a problem for us and we don’t have any clues

hi @Michael_Foster , sorry for seeing this late

  • what is the version of SonarQube that you are using?
  • what is the version of MSBuild you are using?
  • what is the version of Scanner for MSBuild you are using?
  • could you please share with us the verbose logs (pass /d:sonar.verbose=true as an extra property in the Prepare / BEGIN step, and share the logs of the SonarQubeAnalyze / END step)
  • could you share the verbose logs of the build (pass /p:reportanalyzer=true /v:d) as parameters to msbuild / dotnet build
