Vulnerability impact from okio-1.17.2 in SonarScanner CLI dependency chain

Hello, folks,

I hope this message finds everyone well. I’m reaching out to raise a concern and seek information about a specific vulnerability CVE-2023-3635 that has been identified within the dependencies used by sonar-scanner-cli- The vulnerability is associated with okio-1.17.2, which is a transitive dependency through com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.14.2

Could the team share insights on the potential impact this vulnerability may have on users of SonarScanner CLI?

Are there any plans underway to upgrade this dependency to a secure version in the near future? If so, could you provide an estimated timeline for when we might expect these changes to be implemented?

Related topic: Sonar-scanner-cli and vulnerable okhttp3 dependency

Thank you for your attention to this matter and for the ongoing development and support of such invaluable tools.


I’ve unlisted your topic since you’re reporting a vulnerability. Our responsible disclosure policy asks that you email rather than making public posts. Could you please re-send this to!
