Using Azure devops C# and Java Analysis in a single report

We are using SonarQube v7.3 and Scanner v4.1 and an azure devops pipeline to build and scan our project. attempting to have a sonarqube.yml file prepare and analyze our project. Trying to get the analysis report for a project that uses C# and Java into 1 report but having problem with either the reports overwriting each other or it only scanning one of the two languages. I cannot post any code due to business restrictions was just wondering if this is possible to get it so that I can have it prepare and scan both languages in a single report or will i need two different output locations?

Hello Alex,

As C# code analysis needs to be analyzed using the scanner for MSBuild, it is indeed not possible at the moment to have a single report for both C# and Java results.
We are aware of this limitation and we are currently discussing internally to see what can be done about this.
