Update existing comment in Pull Request by sonarcloud

  • I am working on adding decorative sonarcloud results in pull request in github
  • We can enable it from Sonarcloud UI, it works fine by adding results on every github actions workflow run for PR
  • Is there any option if it can update existing comment added by sonarcloud? Because everytime it adds new comment
  • I am unable to find any option for updating existing comment instead of adding new comment everytime in same PR?


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Hi @netgurru

The existing comment should be updated by default, there is no additional option to make it happen.

We’ll need some private information about your project in order to understand why the comments aren’t updated in your case - I’ll contact you in a private message.

Moreover, could you please share here your CI scan configuration (with private information like organization key, project key etc redacted)?

Kind regards,

I’m experiencing the same behaviour - new comment is left each time instead of updating an existing one. Is there a checklist of things to check when this problem arises?

Hi @Ivan_Ribakov,

This thread is over a year old. Per the FAQ, please don’t resurrect threads over 2mo old.

Please create a new thread with all your details.
