Unicode characters in a mail subject

SonarQube CE 8.9 LTS (Zip, Windows x64, OpenJDK 11)
SonarQube CE 9.9 LTS (Zip, Windows x64, OpenJDK 17)

After an update from 8.1 to 8.9/9.9, I started receiving notification emails containing unreadable text in the mail subject which looks like “Analysis has changed some of your issues in Про … etc.”. What should I do to fix it and return readable subjects back?

Hi @AlexPC,

Thanks for letting us know, we are looking for the best solution here to fix this problem. As a temporary workaround, you can change the name of the project using ASCII characters by passing projectName property to a scanner, emails are working as usual with the English keyboard :slight_smile: .

In the meantime, may I ask you how you created this project, did you import it from any DevOps platform, created in UI, or through the scanner? Do you have integration with any DevOps platform?

Hello again @AlexPC,

We’ve created a bug ticket [SONAR-21059] - Jira to fix it in 10.4 which also points to your PR. Thank you for your contribution!

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