Unable to import GitHub/GitLab repositories - action missing from menu

  • Version: SonarQube Community v8.6.1.40680 from docker

  • What I want: I have added GitHub and GitLab authentication that correctly works. I am unable to import projects from GitHub or GitLab repositories, but I can only create projects manually

  • What I have tried: I have tried both GitHub and GitLab. I have checked the permissions in Administration > Security and everything is fine. I have tried with both administrator and simple sonar users to import a project. See uploaded screenshot to see the missing menu item.

I think that the problem is a bug in the version I am using, since version 8.7 the bug should be fixed (link).
Can anyone confirm this?
If so, when will the 8.7 version be available as a docker image?

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How long does it usually take to for the docker image to be available once a new version is released?
Can’t this be part of the release process?

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