Unable to get the code coverage more than 4% with Xcode 11.3

Hello there,

I am trying to analyse swift and Obj-c mixed project with SonarQube. Versions used for tolls are as below:
MacOSX - 10.15.7
Xcode - 11.3
JDK - 11
SonarQube - sonarqube-
SonarScanner - sonar-scanner-cli-
Below are the bash files zipped and attached -
Archive.zip (11.0 KB)

Please help me with whats wrong in integration.
I am not even getting any warnings…
I could only get bugs in css file, in the project and in no other languages.

Hey there.

Based on the files shared, it looks like you’re using the open-source Idean/sonar-swift rather than the Swift analyzer included in SonarQube’s Developer Edition, is that correct?

If so, you should reach out to the maintainer at their Github repository for support.

Actually I am using the community edition of SonarQube.
But in order to make it work I have tried enormous ways (thus may have replaced files from some other sources).

Could you please help me by providing clear and understandable steps/doc in order to get this community edition working for my code.

I have even tried the sonar-runner in following way.
$ sonar-scanner -X

Hey there.

Analyzing Swift (and Objective-C) is not supported in the Community Edition of SonarQube without installing a community-supported plugin (it is supported natively, and commercially, in the Developer Edition of SonarQube).

If you’ve installed such a plugin, reach out to its maintainer for help.
If you haven’t – now you know why it’s not working :smiley:

Dear Colin,

Thanks for the clarification.

Now I am trying to get the 14-days free trial for developer edition in order to check how it works but I am not getting any mail from the support team. Will you be able to help with it.

What have i achieved so far is:
Downloaded SonarQube developer edition and server is up and running but asking for License, which I haven’t received yet(for 14-days trial period).

Please help.

Hello @Nikita_Sahu,

Have you been able to solve this issue?