Unable to calculate coverage for Pull Request in Apex

Hey team
I am creating a follow-up to this topic, since noone replied then and I have exactly same case: https://community.sonarsource.com/t/getting-error-importing-coverage-file-from-sfdx-forcedeploy-into-sonarcloud/75855/2

Depending on which Salesforce CLI command we use, either sf apex get tests, or sf project deploy start we will recieve as an outcome a diffrently formatted JSON with coverage report.
First command is used for static code analysis and is working fine, second has to be used in order to run validation of Pull Request changes versus Salesforce instance, but second JSON is not accepted by SonarQube, so we are not able to include Code Coverage in our Quality Gate.
Has anyone figured out how to convert one JSON to another format, or is there a chance for improvement on SonarQube to accept this JSON format as well?
On Salesforce end unfortunately this is working as expected, so no chance for changing it
