Unable to add user to group

Dear all,

I have again issues w/ permissions on SonarQube:

  • which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension):, community (free) C++ plug-in, scanner, cppcheck, GCC log

  • how is SonarQube deployed: docker (classic) on a Ubuntu host

  • what are you trying to achieve: add a specific LDAP authenticated user to a “local” group

  • what have you tried so far to achieve this: add user via UI, can confirm that user is added acc. to web UI, logoff/logon (as either admin and/or the user that was added to the group), user not in group (anymore)

Thank you for the bonus points :wink:


It sounds like you have group synchronization enabled. Thus, you can’t lastingly add a user to a group on the SonarQube side. It must be done on the auth provider side.



Merci for your feedback. I need to check my LDAP “settings” / configs, and then debug the issue.
Will report back. Stay tuned.


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