TypeScript baseUrl and relative paths configuration => issue "Dependencies should be explicit" (typescript:S4328)


  • ALM used : Azure DevOps
  • CI system used : Azure DevOps
  • Scanner command used when applicable (private details masked) :
  - task: SonarCloudPrepare@1
      SonarCloud: 'SonarCloud-Clement'
      organization: 'assoconnect'
      scannerMode: 'CLI'
      configMode: 'manual'
      cliProjectKey: 'assoconnect_frontend'
      cliProjectName: 'frontend'
      cliProjectVersion: '$(Build.BuildNumber)'
      cliSources: 'src'
      extraProperties: |
    displayName: 'Prepare SonarQube analysis'

  - task: SonarCloudAnalyze@1
    displayName: 'Run SonarQube analysis'

  - task: SonarCloudPublish@1
      pollingTimeoutSec: '300'
    displayName: 'Publish SonarQube analysis result'
  • Languages of the repository : TypeScript

Problem observed

For all our imports in .tsx files , we have instances of the “Dependencies should be explicit (typescript:S4328)” issue.

We have configured a baseUrl (https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/module-resolution.html#base-url) in our tsconfig.json file so that we don’t have to deal with relative paths.

WebStorm seems OK with this config and the linter doesn’t show any message. But in Sonar, when we import a module, since there is no ./ prepending, it thinks it is an external module and looks for it in the dependencies.


  • our layout is :
|   |___Index/
|       |___index.tsx
|       |___type.tsx
  • files contents
// package.json
// nothing path-related, only external dependencies
// tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "./src/",
# src/App.tsx
import Index from 'pages/Index' # => ISSUE : Dependencies should be explicit (typescript:S4328)
# src/pages/Index/index.tsx
import * as Type from './type' # => OK, NO ISSUES
import { StoreContext } from 'store' # => ISSUE : Dependencies should be explicit (typescript:S4328)
export default () => (


Which version of SonarJS and SonarTS are you using?

Hi Lena,

we are on SonarCloud and we are using the default quality profile for JS and TS : Sonar way recommended (Built-in).



That’s an interesting case we didn’t think about. Actually this rule is ignoring internal (relative) imports (based on ../ or ./) as it’s supposed to check only bad usages of external dependencies. So if we want to cover the case like yours there is no way we can distinguish between internal and external import and we will have to check project directories if such relative path is available.
We will try to bring the fix (ticket).
In the meantime I think the only workaround is to disable the rule as most of issues will be FPs

thanks for the feedback!

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Hi Lena,

what’s the status on the ticket ?

We are on SonarCloud, using the default “Sonar way recommended” built-in profile, where this rule is active.
I can’t find how to disable this rule, how can I do it ?



Indeed that’s not possible. In this case you can create “copy” of “Sonar way recommended” and disable the rule in the copy.

1 Like

Hi Elena,

thanks for your answer. This is too bad… Should I make a feature request : To inherit from a quality profile, but still be able to disable an inherited rule.

Thanks !

@Clement_Fleury_AssoC we know that this limitation is annoying sometimes but that was conscious to not allow edit profiles.
Btw I just realized that there is another way to deactivate the rule without changing profile: go to project General Settings -> Analysis Scope -> Ignore Issues on Multiple Criteria. There you can put rule key (typescript:S4328) and file pattern matching all files (**/*).


Hi Elena,

awsome! How can I configure this in the properties file ?
I have seen the sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria parameter, but how to configure it is not clear and I could not find it in the documentation.


It’s really not trivial and not intended to be configured with parameters (thus not documented). So please use UI :slight_smile:

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