SonarQube Version: Community Edition Version 10.4 (build 87286)
When we run the sonarscanner, the following errors are show on the server:
Failed to create TypeScript program with TSConfig file /MyProject/wwwroot/lib/babylonjs-gui/tsconfig.json. Highest TypeScript supported version is 5.3.2.
Failed to create TypeScript program with TSConfig file /MyProject/wwwroot/lib/babylonjs-loaders/tsconfig.json. Highest TypeScript supported version is 5.3.2.
However, I am explicitly excluding**/wwwroot/lib/** from my analysis.
Is there anything else I need to do to suppress this warning?
Thank you for the feedback, and welcome to the Sonar community!
Would it be possible to share the full debug logs of the analysis? Additionally, could you clarify how exactly are you trying to exclude specific folder patterns?
This would help us understand the cause of these errors as well as why explicitly excluding this folder doesn’t work.
I am unsure about how I might retrieve the logs. I do not have admin access to the SonarQube server, and the logs likely would contain some confidential information.
Here are the commands we are using to start/stop SonarQube:
I also have this annoying message that confuses many engineers in v10.5.1 Dev edition. Even though the file and folder are explicitly excluded, I keep getting the very same error.
INFO: Excluded sources: **/node_modules/**/*, **/mocks/**/*, **/testdata/**/*, **/contracts/typechain/**/*, **/contracts/artifacts/**/*, **/contracts/cache/**/*, **/contracts/scripts/**/*, **/contracts/tsconfig.json, **/generated/**/*, **/fixtures/**/*, **/testutils/**/*, **/gen/**/*, **/testfiles/**/*, **/testconfig/**/*, **/core/web/assets/**/*, **/core/scripts/**/*, **/core/**/logger/**/colortest/**/*, **/docs/**/*, **/tools/**/*, **/fuzz/**/*, **/*.pb.go, **/*report.xml, **/*.config.ts, **/*.txt, **/*.abi, **/*.bin, **/*_codecgen.go, **/*_gen.go, **/tsconfig.json, **/delete-deployments/tsconfig.json, **/debug.go, **/mock_*.go, **/*_test.go, **/*.test.ts
<bla bla bla>
INFO: Sensor IaC AzureResourceManager Sensor [iac] (done) | time=145ms
INFO: Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript analysis [javascript]
INFO: Detected os: Linux arch: amd64 alpine: true. Platform: UNSUPPORTED
INFO: Using Node.js executable: 'node'.
INFO: Memory configuration: OS (15981 MB), Node.js (4144 MB).
INFO: Found 2 tsconfig.json file(s): [/github/workspace/contracts/tsconfig.json, /github/workspace/.github/actions/delete-deployments/tsconfig.json]
INFO: Creating TypeScript program
INFO: TypeScript configuration file /github/workspace/contracts/tsconfig.json
INFO: 38 source files to be analyzed
INFO: Starting analysis with current program
INFO: Analyzed 38 file(s) with current program
INFO: Creating TypeScript program
INFO: TypeScript configuration file /github/workspace/.github/actions/delete-deployments/tsconfig.json
ERROR: Error: No inputs were found in config file '/github/workspace/.github/actions/delete-deployments/tsconfig.json'. Specified 'include' paths were '["src","test"]' and 'exclude' paths were '[]'.
ERROR: at createProgramOptions (/github/workspace/.scannerwork/.sonartmp/bridge-bundle/package/lib/jsts/src/program/program.js:96:15)
ERROR: at createProgram (/github/workspace/.scannerwork/.sonartmp/bridge-bundle/package/lib/jsts/src/program/program.js:126:28)
ERROR: at createAndSaveProgram (/github/workspace/.scannerwork/.sonartmp/bridge-bundle/package/lib/jsts/src/program/program.js:187:21)
ERROR: at MessagePort.<anonymous> (/github/workspace/.scannerwork/.sonartmp/bridge-bundle/package/lib/bridge/src/worker.js:101:86)
ERROR: at [nodejs.internal.kHybridDispatch] (node:internal/event_target:826:20)
ERROR: at MessagePort.<anonymous> (node:internal/per_context/messageport:23:28)
ERROR: Failed to create program: No inputs were found in config file '/github/workspace/.github/actions/delete-deployments/tsconfig.json'. Specified 'include' paths were '["src","test"]' and 'exclude' paths were '[]'.
INFO: 38/38 source files have been analyzed
INFO: Hit the cache for 38 out of 38
INFO: Miss the cache for 0 out of 38
INFO: Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript analysis [javascript] (done) | time=7884ms
INFO: Sensor JavaScript inside YAML analysis [javascript]
INFO: No input files found for analysis
INFO: Hit the cache for 0 out of 0
INFO: Miss the cache for 0 out of 0