Trying to understand SonarQube


We have SonarQube 9.2.4, and have been running SonarQube as part of our nightly build for nearly 2 years.

I’m trying to understand why files are randomly being marked as Code Smells, when the files haven’t changed in years.

For example, I have a file last changed 20/Nov/2019, and SonarQube picked this up as a “New Issue” overnight.

What is going on? Why wasn’t this picked up previously?

Thanks in advance,

Hi @tombridges
Can you share some screenshots of those files/issues?
Maybe the rule was implemented in your last upgrade (9.2.4) for example?


Of course… sorry I had taken screenshots, but forgot to include them.

I do understand that this might have been enabled in 9.2.4, but we have run 50+ SonarQube builds since that install, and this is the first time this code smell has been highlighted in this file.