Total LOC (Lines of Code) count seems to ignore the exclusion list

  • which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)
    Developer Edition - Version 9.5 (build 56709)

  • what are you trying to achieve
    We have a Developer Edition license with a 100,000 LOC limit. Our project has over 500,000 LOC, so I added to my .NET .csproj file a setting to exclude many files:

I have a local Community version installed on my local computer, and when I run the analyses there I see the total count is 91k LOC.


But when I try to upload the analysis to our Developer Server, I get this error:

##[error][SQ] Task failed with status FAILED, Error message: The last analysis failed because it would have caused your server-wide lines of code total to exceed your 100000 limit.

So I believe the “sonar.exclusions” property is being ignored by this limit check. It seems like a bug to me since I’m actually just analyzing 91k LOC as seen in my local Sonarqube instance.

Can someone help me with this?

Thank you

You can close this one. I found a test project that was using part of the limit. Thank you.