There is no .gitlab-ci.yml configuration for .NET

  • CI system used: Gitlab and local
    Why there is no .gitlab-ci.yml configuration for .NET?

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open
  2. Click + (upper right corner) and then ‘Analyze new project’.
  3. Choose project to analyze (I connected gitlab account, so I choose one of my project at gitlab portal).
  4. Complete step ‘Set up project for Clean as You Code’ (choose one or another option).
  5. Click ‘Create project’.
  6. Choose your Analysis Method - I choose ‘With GitLab CI/CD Pipeline’.
  7. Scroll down to the p.2 ‘Create or update a .gitlab-ci.yml file’.
    Actual: there is no .gitlab-ci.yml configuration for .NET:
    Expected: there is .gitlab-ci.yml configuration for .NET.
    NB: there is yaml .NET configuration for .NET - if you choose ‘With Amazon CodeCatalyst’ option at step 6.

Potential workaround

  1. Open
  2. Click + (upper right corner) and then ‘Analyze new project’.
  3. Click ‘create a project manually’ (bottom right corner).
  4. Add necessary info about new project.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Complete step ‘Set up project for Clean as You Code’ (choose one or another option).
  7. Click ‘Create project’.
  8. Choose your Analysis Method - choose ‘Manually’.
  9. Here we have .NET configuration - choose .NET, OS and dotnet - and you will get command for installation of the DotNet SonarScanner Tool and for its execution:

Thanks for reporting it.

There is no functional reason. We just missed it in the various combinations.
We will do our best to fix that shortly.

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