The same severity issues from golangci-linter should be the same RuleType

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)
    sonarQube : sonarqube-
    scanner: SonarScanner
    jdk: Java 11.0.11 AdoptOpenJDK (64-bit)

step 1: i got report.xml of golangci-lint using:
golangci-lint run --out-format checkstyle --timeout=10m ./… > report.xml

some linters are configured as severity ignore like this:

step 2: then i exec sonar-scanner with this param -Dsonar.go.golangci-lint.reportPaths=report.xml
step 3: but finally i got golint issues are code smell, funlen issues are bugs。

why the same severity issue is not the same type, like the attribute severity of report.xml is invalid.

some linters are configured as severity ignore like this:

anyone can help?