The main branch of this project is empty sonarqube

Dear Sonar team please help me, i am stuck at point where i am getting message "The main branch of this project is empty" i install Sonarqube community edition version 8 on my local windows machine. completed the setups and also install scanner CLI 4.2 version and configured it on same local machine. i created the project and passed the token in sonar property file. please find my sonar property file on below-
sonar.login='Admin' sonar.password= sonar.verbose=true sonar.projectKey=SpringBootSamples sonar.sources=. sonar.projectName=SpringBootSamples*.*.*.*:9000 sonar.login=1211b0615fe67b403d4f6ab032ea5310e991f834 sonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8 sonar.leak.period='previous_version' sonar.scm.exclusions.disabled=true Dsonar.scm.exclusions.disabled=true

i checked under administrator background there its success every time. but still im not able to see on dashboard.
please refer the screenshot of my sonar dashboard and kindly help me on the same.

Thanks in advance…!!

Your scan should produce some logs (when the scanner is executed), can you share them here?