The last analysis failed because it would have caused your server-wide lines of code total to exceed

there is problem that i am facing while analyzing the project but there is been problem lately happening in the sonar qube where we are using jenkins in we are using sonar qube plugin where to analysis the project we came to one project where the stage of jenkins is working but in the sonar server site it is showing

SonarQube Quality Gate

Iride :N/A
server-side processing: failed
in sonare qube the error is The last analysis failed because it would have caused your server-wide lines of code total to exceed your 100000 limit.[Go to License page.]
even the line is not more than 1000000 and also how to exclude the folder from the project to analysis
but if i do the same process via locally it is working then why it is not working in the jenkins even the stage is correct with same command

Hey there.

Two things:

  • The template post that showed up when you went to create a post isn’t just for show! It’s important that you include details like what SonarQube version and edition you’re using.
  • Both your Jenkins run and your local run produces logs from the SonarScanner. Do they look the same? Are the same number of files being indexed? Any other notable differences?

ok so i am using a

  • Developer Edition
  • v10.6
    yes both the log look the same only the project location is different as in jenkins it create its own dir

Okay. Well, there’s not much to go off of now. If you want to troubleshoot this further, I’d suggest uploading DEBUG level logs of both analyses (sonar-scanner -X) – the one that causes your analysis to go over the limit, and the one that doesn’t.