The format of the analysis property sonar.login= is invalid

Hi ,

I recently implemented SonarCloud. And we have a service which is based on dotnet core 6.0 and running as docker containers. And I am using the below docker template reference file to scan results. But I am getting the below error while running the pipeline through azure-devops.


I tried to pass the project token and service connection-token in the pipeline as arguments even I pased token in the docker file but no luck. Can you help and guide me to fix this issue?

docker file reference which I have taken is from- How to run a SonarCloud scan during Docker builds for .NET Core

Please help, it’s blocking to implementation of this tool in our project.

Check if your sonarscanner beign & end are happening in the same WORKDIR or do not copy files between layer. It might be that the end operation is not finding .sonarqube hidden folder that is created. Hope that helps.