The dashboard is not showing my already-defined projects

Make sure to tell us:

  • What version are you upgrading from? From 8.5.1-community to LTS 9.9
  • System information (Operating system, Java version, Database provider/version)
    Java: 17.0.6+10
    DB: sonarqube version > 11
  • What’s the issue you’re facing?

Hello community,

I started moving from LTS 8.5.1-community to LTS Developer Edition version 9.9. The issue I was facing is the dashboard is not showing my already-defined projects. And I am being pushed towards set up a DevOps platform configuration. I can see the projects are there in the Administration area.

I have my deployment in Kubernetes(GKE)through Helm I came across your solution we can’t able to start or stop the container is there any way to remove the es7 folder or how we approach getting data in a dashboard.

Thanks & regards,

Hi Jaya,

I assume that before you tried 9.9, you upgraded to 8.9 in the middle?

If not, then the reason you’re not seeing your existing projects that that you’re not connected to your database. Because you can’t go straight from 8.5 to 9.9.

If you did, properly upgrade through 8.9, then it does sound like you’ll need to force a reindexing. And unfortunately the only way to do that for all projects is to shut down SonarQube and delete the existing indices.


Make sure to tell us:

  • What version are you upgrading from? From 8.5.1-community to LTS 9.9.0-community
  • System information (Operating system, Java version, Database provider/version)
    Java: 17.0.6+10
    DB: sonarqube version > 11
  • What’s the issue you’re facing?
    I have upgraded from LTS 8.5.1-community to LTS 9.9.0-community . The issue I was facing is the dashboard is not showing my already-defined projects. And I am being pushed towards set up a DevOps platform configuration. I can see the projects are there in the Administration area.

i have deployed through helm charts in GKE platform. Here some log showing of deletion of project.

After some time i got this data manual upgrade logs:

we have data backup store in PVC. And i have came across the solution of removing the es7 folder but we cant able to do because we cant able to start or stop the server.

please let me know if any possible to way resolve this issue.


Hi Jaya,

FYI, I’ve combined your two threads since they were the same topic. Please don’t create new threads when you get impatient. Per the FAQ, you should “wait a few days” and bump your existing thread if it seems to have been overlooked.
