Teamcity+SonarScanner for MSBuild

I am currently running

TeamCity 2018.2.3
SonarScanner for MSBuild (the version bundled with TeamCity).

I am able to run a scan using a .Net project but thus far have been unable to get a .Net Core project scan to run.
I see there are distinct packages available for .Net 4.6 and .Net Core
I have downloaded both packages (version
I am able to add the .net46 package, but if I attempt to add the netcoreapp2.0 version I get the message:
Doesn’t seem like SonarScanner for MSBuild: cannot find 'SonarQube.Scanner.MSBuild.exe
from TeamCity.
Sure enough, I can see the exe in the .Net46 version of the zip file but not in the netcore2.0 app version.

Has the executable been unintentionally missed from the distribution package?

Thanks - Steve


I am also having the same issue. I am using .netcore 2.0.

Since it doesn’t have any MSBuild.exe file under the downloaded SonarScanner file, the commands won’t execute. Strange that this issue is open even after reporting it a lot back.
Please let us know if you have any updates.
