Taint Vulnerabilities - JavaSecurity:S5145 false positive

We encountered a JavaSecurity:S5145 (“Change this code to not log user-controlled data”) false positive.

A very similar issue was reported in 2019 (and fixed in 2021): False positive tainted input (JavaSecurity:S5145), except there the user input is received/validated as a path variable:

  public void logPatternValidated(@PathVariable @Pattern(regexp = "^[A-Za-z0-9]+$") final String value) {
    LOG.info("Value is pattern validated: {}", value);

whereas we receive and validate our input using a DTO as a request body parameter:

  public void logDtoPatternValidated(@Parameter(required = true) @Valid @RequestBody RequestDto requestDto) {
    LOG.info("Value is pattern validated: {}", requestDto.getValue());

where the RequestDto class looks as follows:

public class RequestDto
    private static final String ALPHANUMERIC = "^[A-Za-z0-9]+$";

    @Pattern(regexp = RequestDto.ALPHANUMERIC)
    private String value;

    // constructor, getter and setter omitted

Tested on self-hosted SonarQube 9.9, using the SonarScanner for Maven.


Thanks for the report! There already exists an internal ticket for this but unfortunately, it was not implemented yet. I will try to make it more visible.

For now, please mark it as a false-positive.

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