Swift Plugin Support for SonarQube Community Edition v9.9.4

We are planing to upgrade SonarQube 8.9 to 9.9 , but there is no swift plugin available for the SonarQube v 9.9.x.

Is there any way, we can still use existing plugin with SonarQube LTS 9.9 or any plans to develop swift plugin for it.

Please update on this.


Hey there.

Swift is supported in SonarQube Developer Edition and higher, no plugin needed.

What edition of SonarQube are you using?

Hi Colin,

Thanks for response. We are using community version 8.9 and planning to upgrade to Community Version 9.9 LTS.

But , there is no swift support found or swift plugin we have found. Due to that we are not able to perform the upgrade.


The community-supported GitHub - Idean/sonar-swift: Open source Swift plugin for SonarQube (also supports Objective-C) might work, but it hasn’t been maintained in quite some time. You might as well try installing it on 9.9 and cross your fingers. :crossed_fingers:

Hi Colin,

Actually , we had tried using that plugin backelite-sonar-swift-plugin-0.4.6.jar , which is supported in SonarQube Community edition 8.9 to newly deployed SonarQube Community 9.9 LTS, but there is no success. The SonarQube fails to starts and it doesn’t support this latest version of swift plugin.


. Not sure what we can do. seems like there is no way that SonarQube community edition from version 9.9 support swift out of box or with plugin. !?

If there is any way, please let us know , rather than migrating to developer and enterprise edition.

Hi Community,

Is there a way to purchase swift plugin for SonarQube Community Edition 9.9 LTA ?

If yes, Please let us know any reference document or about plugin details.

Thanks in advance.


Hey there.

Swift support starts in the Developer Edition of SonarQube. There’s really not more for us to say on the subject!

Thanks Colin for your response. I got it.

Hey, here is the update of the plugin you talked about, same team but changed company, and it’s compatible SonarQube Community 9.9.