Support for Bicep

We have used your support for terraform and found it excellent at pointing out potential vulnerabilities in our deployments to Azure.

However, Microsoft has created its own Infrastructure-as-Configuration called bicep.

Since Microsoft supports it, we have started to migrate to bicep but were disappointed to find that it is not supported by Sonar*.

Is there the potential to increase the scope of your Infrastructure-as-Code offering to cover bicep?


Hello @stevedunx,

Thanks for this very interesting insight about a new IaC technology. To be honest, I missed the information that Microsoft created its own DSL to deploy Azure resources.

I will keep an eye on the adoption of Bicep and if the trend is good, it will become a good candidate technology to cover in 2023+.



A few months have passed with no updates on this request. Bicep adoption grew tremendously since it’s creation and is one of the DSL supported by Azure for quite some time. When do you expect to add support for it?

Hello @Alexandre_Gigleux,

We are heavy Bicep users and we’d be very interested in the ability to have our Bicep IaC checked with SonarQube. Any chance it made it to the roadmap already?

Kind regards,

André de Zwart

Yes, we are a Bicep shop and would love it to be checked by SonarQube.

Bicep support would be a great addition .

Hi all,

You’re in luck! SonarQube 10.2 adds Bicep support:
